Improving Data Accessibility in Named Data Networking based on Mobile Crowd Sensing
Subject Areas : Majlesi Journal of Telecommunication DevicesMaryam Joudaki 1 * , Samira Karim Pour 2
1 - Faculty of Computer Engineering, Najafabad branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
2 - Faculty of Computer Engineering, Kashan branch, Islamic Azad University, Kashan, Iran.
Keywords: Named data networking,
Abstract :
Scalability, security, resiliency, and efficiency are Named data networking’s (NDN) main features which have attracted many researchers' attention to be considered for IoT. In this field of study, many research areas still need improvements like accessibility. In this paper, an NDN-based protocol is proposed for reducing data access time in the discovery phase in mobile crowdsensing by using a category table (CT). This protocol makes it possible to access semantic information through the category table. The efficiency of the proposed protocol is measured by simulation and demonstrated that in packet end-to-end delay is lower than the existing methods’ (NDN and Geo-NDN). Also, the proposed protocol was found to has the highest rate successful message delivery rate.
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