An Overview of the Type of Vehicle Detection Techniques
Subject Areas : Majlesi Journal of Telecommunication Devices
Mojtaba Nasehi
Mohsen Ashourian
Payman Moallem
1 - Student of Mobarakeh-Majlisi Branch of Azad University
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Keywords: Neural network, vehicle, convolution,
Abstract :
Today, large-scale vehicles are scattered in different parts of the city and therefore need to be controlled by programmed systems. Applications of these systems include traffic control, urban planning, driverless vehicles, parking lot management by announcing the arrival of a vehicle, detecting stolen or offending vehicles, and so on. Due to challenges such as the multiplicity of objects in the image, weather conditions, different colors and designs of the type of vehicles and very diverse images from different angles of a vehicle in the section identifying the type of vehicles in the photo, Films, moving images, etc. have led to a variety of research, and in this article we will examine some of the techniques.
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