Integrated Analytical Model for Relief Logistics in Uncertain Conditions
Subject Areas : policy makingArdavan Babaei 1 , Kamran Shahanaghi 2 *
1 - Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: demand, routing, Emergency, Ambulance, Relief Logistics, Uncertain condition,
Abstract :
The life of many people in the world is under the danger because of the accidents and unpredicted diseases, which require relief. Since, most of such cases occur in unpredictable condition, for an appropriate planning, the uncertain conditions should be investigated. Consequently, this paper investigates the integrated and multi-step process of locating, assigning and routing the air and land emergencies in the uncertain conditions in order to reach the stable solution that faces minimum changes against different conditions. In the presented model, the emergency demand is defined in the stochastic and fuzzy environment in order to show the actual conditions. The findings indicate that the models intend to create an optimum balance between cost minimization and increasing the demand satisfaction rate. However, in general conditions, the decisions should be made considering the exisitng conditions.