Thermoeconomic analysis of a novel multi generation system combined with compressed air energy storage and sulfur dioxide-based ejector cooling system
Ali Eyvazi
PHD student of Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran
Keywords: Compressed air storage, Ejector, Gas turbine, Cogeneration, Economic analysis ,
Abstract :
A new compressed air energy storage system integrated with combined cooling, heating and electricity is proposed and investigated in this study. The investigated system uses sulfur dioxide as the working fluid for the cogeneration system to produce coolant from the ejector cooling and heating sub-system. The review here includes a detailed thermodynamic and thermo-economic analysis. The proposed system is examined from different perspectives and the performance of the system is quantified through the output parameters. In addition, a case study is conducted to evaluate the performance of the system in a specific case. In addition, a sensitivity analysis is performed to follow the behavior of the system under different conditions. The results of thermodynamic analysis show energy efficiency of 21% and exergy efficiency of 55% for the proposed system. In addition, with the economic analysis, the total cost of the system is 232$/GJ. This work may provide a new method to increase the efficiency of the thermodynamic performance of multi generation systems.
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