Propose a New Model for Prediction of the Impact Wear Using an Experimental Method
Subject Areas : EngineeringM Akhondizadeh 1 * , M Fooladi Mahani 2 , M Rezaeizadeh 3 , S.H Mansouri 4
1 - Mechanical Engineering Department of Shahid Bahonar, University of Kerman
2 - Mechanical Engineering Department of Shahid Bahonar, University of Kerman
3 - Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman
4 - Mechanical Engineering Department of Shahid Bahonar, University of Kerman
Keywords: Contact, Impact wear, Wear modeling, Steel, Indentation,
Abstract :
Impact wear can be defined as the wear of a solid surface that is due to percussion, which is a repetitive exposure to dynamic contact by another solid body. It generally has the devastating effects on the mechanical elements and causes the equipments to shift away from their normal performance. Impact wear has not been studied as extensive as other wear mechanisms and as a result information on the causes and actual impact wear data is quite scarce. Knowing how the impact parameters affect the wear intensity would be helpful to have the more optimal designs. Having an experimental apparatus would be a reliable way for this aim. In the present work, a new impact tester was designed to explore the consecutive impacts between balls and a flat plate as a wearing specimen. Measurements of the plate mass loss after a number of impacts at the different impacting conditions revealed the effect of parameters on the impact wear. Design of experiment is carried out regarding the impact velocity, ball size and impact angle as the variables. An impact wear model is extracted based on the experimental data. The obtained results suggest that the model can be used as a predictive way to study the practical design problems and to explain some phenomena associated with impact erosion.
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