Modeling of Compression Curves of Flexible Polyurethane Foam with Variable Density, Chemical Formulations and Strain Rates
Subject Areas : EngineeringM.F Alzoubi 1 * , S Al-Hallaj 2 , M Abu-Ayyad 3
1 - Director of Research & Development, All Cell Technologies LLC, Chicago
2 - Director of Research & Development, All Cell Technologies LLC, Chicago
3 - ME Department, Penn State Harrisburg, Middletown
Keywords: Polyurethane Foam, Phenomenological foam model, Maxwell arm, Compression curves, Viscoelastic parameters, Characteristics length time, biomechanics, Maxwell model, Kelvin-Voigt model,
Abstract :
Flexible Polyurethane (PU) foam samples with different densities and chemical formulations were tested in quasi-static stress-strain compression tests. The compression tests were performed using the Lloyd LR5K Plus instrument at fixed compression strain rate of 0.033 s-1 and samples were compressed up to 70% compression strains. All foam samples were tested in the foam rise direction and their compression test stress results were modeled using a constitutive Polymeric or Phenomenological Foam Model (PFM). In this research, a new constitutive PFM model that consists of mechanical systems such as dashpots and springs was formulated to be used for different strain rate experiments. The experimental compression test results for different strain rates were compared to the PFM model results for all foam samples. Both modeling and experimental results showed pretty good agreement. From curve fitting of the experimental tests with the PFM model; different mechanical materials’ coefficients such as elastic and viscous parameters were computed. These mechanical parameters are indeed important characteristics for viscoelastic materials. This model can be used for constant and variable strain rates and for characterizing biomechanical material applications such as bone tissues, muscle tissues and other cellular materials.
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