Thermal Buckling Analysis of Temperature Dependent Porous FGM Mindlin Nano Circular Plate on Elastic Foundation
Subject Areas : Computational Mechanics
Mansour Mohieddin Ghomshei
1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering,Faculty of Mechatronics,Karaj Branch,Islamic Azad University,Karaj,Iran
Keywords: DQM, circular nano/micro plate, Porous material, Thermal buckling, FGM,
Abstract :
In the present work, the symmetric thermal buckling behavior of shear deformable heterogonous nano/micro circular porous plates resting on a two parameter foundation is studied. The material behavior of the nano plate is modeled by the modified couple stress theory. The plate material properties assumed to be graded across the thickness direction according to a simple power law, and has a uniform porosity. Using Mindlin’s plate theory and the nonlinear von-Karman strain field and implementing the energy method, the plate stability equations together with the membrane equilibrium equation are derived and expressed in terms of the displacement field components. Then the nondimensionalized forms of the equations are discretized using differential quadrature method (DQM). The resulting eigenvalue problem is solved to evaluate the plate critical buckling temperature difference. Comparative studies are carried out. Also the influences of some important parameters including length scale factor, porosity factor and Winkler& Pasternak stiffness coefficients are investigated..
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