Evaluation and Comparison of LEED, BREEAM, and the 19th issue of National Building Regulations of Iran (NBRI) in Perspective of Sustainability by (MCDM) TOPSIS Method
Subject Areas : Structural EngineeringMohammad Javad Mahdavinejad 1 * , Mohammad Mehranrad 2 , Nasim Eslamirad 3
1 - Associated Professor in Architecture, Tarbiat Modares university, Tehran, Iran
2 - Architecture master of science student, Azad University of Iran, Central branch, Iran, Tehran
3 - Architecture master of science, International Imam Khomeini University, Iran, Qazvin
Keywords: Comparative Analogy, Sustainable assessment tools, LEED, BREEAM, 19th issue of the National Building Regulations of Iran (NBRI), (MCDM) TOPSIS method,
Abstract :
In this research, the features of LEED, BREEAM, and NBRI also, their principles, are reviewed, evaluated, and compared from the aspects of the sustainability. The compliance items of standards with the principles of sustainability determine that their goals are well matched. By comparing the different and shared principles, it discovered how each standard has succeeded from the aspect of the sustainable design also, the shortcomings in the 19th issue of NBRI were appeared. The evaluation of standards with sustainability principles is done by applying (MCDM) TOPSIS. furthermore, by ranking each sub-item of standards from weak to excellent, the respect of sustainability principle is recognized. plus, according to the TOPSIS and analyzing the data, any items of each standard has the most sustainability feature are considered. The alignment with the leading tools can result in the promotion of the Iranian regulations. Findings of this research provide suggestions for completing and localizing the criteria that are part of the LEED and BREEAM in energy section which are neglected in the 19th issue. Applying these solutions and paying more attention to all of building's sustainable aspects in Iran will lead to the success of the country to be adopted with the global counterparts.
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