Rheological properties of self-consolidating concrete made by crushed waste tile aggregates
Subject Areas : Structural Engineering
Mahdi Mahdikhani
Fatemeh Safikhani
1 - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.
2 - Master of Science in Structural Engineering, Department of Geomatics Engineering, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
Keywords: SCC, fresh properties, self-consolidating concrete, recycled aggregates, rheometer test, natural aggregates,
Abstract :
In recent decades, the use of self-consolidating concrete has become widespread. Hence, recognizing the various properties of self-consolidating concrete are essential. In this study, several mixture designs have been tested and final mixture design of crushed tile aggregates which were replaced by 0%, 25 %, 50%, and 100% volume percentage of natural aggregates were conducted. To evaluate fresh properties of SCC, slump flow and rheometer tests were carried out. Results show that the percentage of fine aggregates has a significant impact on the properties of self-consolidating concrete. In addition, the results of rheometer test show by increasing the percentage of recycled aggregates increases yield stress and plastic viscosity, significantly.
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