The comparison of glucose and insulin concentration in elite sprint and endurance runners after an exhaustive aerobic exercise
Subject Areas : Journal of Physical Activity and HormonesAfshar Abolhassan tash 1 * , Asghar Nikseresht 2
1 - MS in Exercise Physiology, Farhangian University, Fars Shahid Rejaei Campos, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor in Exercise Physiology, Department of Exercise Physiology, Jahrom branch, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom, Iran
Keywords: Insulin resistance, glucose, Endurance runners, Sprint runners,
Abstract :
Introduction: The aim of present study was to comparison of glucose and insulin concentration in elite sprint and endurance runners after an exhaustive aerobic exercise. Material & Methods: Sixteen elite sprint (n=8; 3.8 ± 1.8 years experience of tournament playing, mean ± SD) and endurance (n-8; 6.2 ± 2.3 years experience of tournament playing, mean ± SD) runners volunteered to participate in this study. Blood samples were taken before, immediately, 30 and 120 min after the Bruce test. Glucose solution containing 75 g oral glucose dissolved in 250 ml of water to drink was consumed by subjects after the exercise. Results: The results showed that glucose and insulin level increased 30 and 120 min after the exercise in compare to basal level in both groups (P<0.05), while no significant difference was observed between the groups. Conclusion: In conclusion, sprint and endurance running have similar effects on glucose and insulin concentration after an exhaustive exercise.
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