PhC-based Majority Gate using a nonlinear directional coupler
Subject Areas : Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures
Reyhaneh Rigi
Keivan Navi
Hojjat Sharifi
1 - Department of Computer Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
2 - Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Shahid Beheshti University, GC, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Computer Engineering, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran
Keywords: Photonic Crystal, All-optical Majority Gate, Nonlinear Directional Coupler,
Abstract :
Wide bandwidth and high data transfer rates are essential
advantages of optical telecommunication networks. Full
exploitation of the benefits of optical communications
requires a fully optical network. All-optical circuits are
one of the main alternatives to eliminate the limits of
electronic circuits and provide high-speed processing
systems. This study aims to design an Majority Gate based
on the Nonlinear Kerr Effect. The proposed structure
includes a directional coupler with nonlinear rods. In the
proposed structure, a nonlinear directional coupler is used
to transmit the phase of the input signal. Also, input
connections are optimized to prevent the return of light
along the structure. To evaluate the operation of the
proposed structures, PWE and FDTD methods are used.
The effect of some parameters variation on the output
power has been investigated, proving the robustness of this
designed structure of Majority gate against process
variation. In this simulation, the proposed structures'
switching power is 3 W and the bit rate is Tbits/s.
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