Enhancing Efficiency of Two-bond Solar Cells Based on GaAs/InGaP
Subject Areas : Journal of Optoelectronical NanostructuresYagub Sefidgar 1 , Hassan Rasooli Saghai 2 * , Hamed Ghatei Khiabani Azar 3
1 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz,
2 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz,
3 - Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Two-Bond Solar Cell, Tunnel Layer, Lattice Matching, Recombination,
Abstract :
Multi-junction solar cells play a crucial role in the Concentrated
Photovoltaic (CPV) Systems. Recent developments in CPV concerning high power
production and cost effective-ness along with better efficiency are due to the
advancements in multi-junction cells. This paper presents a simulation model of the
generalized Multi-junction solar cell and introduces a two-bond solar cell based on
InGaP/GaAs with an AlGaAs/GaAs tunnel layer.For enhancing the efficiency of the
proposed solar cell, the model adopts absorption enhancement techniques as well as
reducing loss of recombination by manipulating number of junctions and varying the
material properties of the multi-junctions and the tunneling layer. The proposed Multijunction
solar cell model employing tunnel junctions can improve efficiency up to by
35.6%. The primary results of the simulation for the proposed structure indicate that it is
possible to reduce the loss of recombination by developing appropriate lattice match
among the layers; it is also likely to have suitable absorption level of the phonons.
Simulation results presented in this paper are in agreement with experimental results.
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