Population change in the fine structure levels of cesium atoms using chirped laser
Subject Areas : Journal of Optoelectronical NanostructuresZahra Ghaedi 1 , Mehdi Hosseini 2 * , Farrokh Sarreshtedari 3
1 - Department of Physics, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran
2 - Department of Physics, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran.
3 - Magnetic Resonance Research Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of
Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: atomic population transfer, chirped laser, cesium atom, two-level system,
Abstract :
Here, the population transfer between two specific levels of Cesium atom
under the influence of chirped laser source has been numerically investigated. The main
goal of this study is the engineering of the population transfer between the 62S1/2 and 62P1/2
levels of Cesium which is corresponding to its D1 transition line using a chirped laser
source. Constructing the system Hamiltonian, as well as the initial and boundary
conditions, the time-dependent Schrödinger equations are numerically solved and the
population versus time for different physical parameters has been investigated. The final
population of each state is calculated and discussed for changing the parameters such as
laser intensity, laser frequency and chirping parameter. The results show that using the
chirped laser source with tuned parameters, we can arbitrarily control the population of
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