بررسی و تعیین توزیع مکانی نیترات و هدایت الکتریکی در آب زیرزمینی با روش زمینآمار (مطالعه موردی: دشت کبودرآهنگ)
محورهای موضوعی : کشاورزی و محیط زیست
1 - استادیار، گروه علوم و مهندسی آب، دانشگاه بوعلیسینا، همدان. *(مسوول مکاتبات)
2 - دانشجوی سابق کارشناسی ارشد، گروه علوم و مهندسی آب دانشگاه بوعلی سینا، همدان.
کلید واژه: زمینآمار, نیترات, GIS و دشت کبودرآهنگ, EC,
چکیده مقاله :
زمینه و هدف: میزان نیترات در آب زیرزمینی دشت کبودرآهنگ که مهمترین منبع تامین آب شرب و کشاورزی در منطقه است در حال افزایش است. گرایش کشاورزان این منطقه به استفاده از انواع کودهای حیوانی و شیمیایی، باعث افزایش میزان نیترات آب زیرزمینی شده است. هدف از انجام این تحقیق، تعیین مناسب ترین روش زمین آمار جهت بررسی تغییرات مکانی نیترات و هدایت الکتریکی آب زیرزمینی دشت کبودرآهنگ می باشد.روش بررسی: روند تغییرات نیترات و هدایت الکتریکی آب زیرزمینی به ترتیب در 41 و 152 حلقه چاه با استفاده از نرم افزار MNITAB16.2 بررسی شد و با نرم افزار ARCGIS9.3 مناسب ترین روش زمین آمار تعیین گردید. از روش های زمین آمار کریجینگ معمولی (OK)، کریجینگ ساده (SK) و روش های معین، عکس فاصله IDW، تابع شعاعی RBF، تخمینگر عامGPI و تخمینگر موضعی (LPI) جهت پهنه بندی نیترات و هدایت الکتریکی آب زیرزمینی استفاده گردید.یافته ها: بهترین روش برای تهیه نقشه هدایت الکتریکی روش RBF با 07/837RMSE=، 01/548MAE= و841/0R= و روش کریجینگ ساده با 68/900RMSE=، 8/581MAE= و 699/0R= می باشد و بهترین روش برای تهیه نقشه نیترات روش RBF با 76/3RMSE=، 42/2MAE= و 351/0R= و روش کریجینگ معمولی با 86/3RMSE=، 51/2MAE= و 372/0R= می باشد.بحث و نتیجه گیری: بر اساس استاندارد کالیفرنیا، 8 درصد از مساحت دشت، هدایت الکتریکی کمتر از 700 میکروموس بر سانتی متر، 77 درصد بین 700 3000 میکروموس بر سانتی متر و 15 درصد بالاتر از 3000 میکروموس بر سانتی متر را دارا بودند و پراکندگی غلظت نیترات نشان داد که، 57/85 درصد از دشت کمتر از 5 میلیگرم بر لیتر ، 43/14 درصد بین 30 - 5 میلیگرم بر لیتر بود و آلودگی شدید در منطقه وجود نداشت. بنابر الگوی پراکندگی مکانی مقدار بالای هدایت الکتریکی بیشتر در قسمت های غربی و جنوب غربی دشت مشاهده شده است و آب زیرزمینی از نظر میزان نیترات در وضعیت مناسب می باشد اما در قسمت های جنوب و جنوب غربی دشت بالاتر از حد استاندارد است.
Background and Objective: Nitrate contamination in drinking and agricultural water is increasing in the Kabudrahng plain. Farmer's Tendency to use a variety of animal and chemical fertilizers has increased the amount of nitrate in groundwater in this region. This study aims to determine the most appropriate geostatistical methods to analyze the spatial variation of nitrate and electrical conductivity of the Kabudrahng groundwater plain.Material and Methodology: The trend of nitrate changes and groundwater electrical conductivity in 41 and 152 wells were investigated using MNITAB16.2 software and the most suitable geostatistical method was determined with ARCGIS9.3 software. To determine the most appropriate geostatistical methods for zoning nitrate and groundwater electrical conductivity used the ordinary kriging (OK), simple kriging (SK) and the specific methods include the inverse distance, weights (ID(, radial basis functions (RBF), global polynomial interpolator (GPI) and local polynomial interpolator (LPI) with ARCGIS9.3.Findings: The results showed that the best method for zoning the electrical conductivity was the RBF method with RMSE=837.07, MAE= 548.01 and R=0.841 and simple kriging (SK) with RMSE=900.68, MAE=581.8 and R=0.699 and the best way to zoning the nitrate was the RBF method with RMSE=3.76, MAE=2.42 and R=0.351 and ordinary kriging (OK) with RMSE=3.86, MAE=2.51 and R=0.372.Discussion and Conclusion: According to the standard of California, 8 percent of the plain area had an electrical conductivity less than 700 μmho/cm, 77 percent between 700 to 3000 μmho/cm, and 15 percent above 3000 μmho/cm. The distribution of nitrate concentrations showed that about 85.57% of the area was lower than 5 mg/liter, 14.43% between 5-30 mg/l, and there was no severe pollution in the plain. The spatial distribution pattern indicated that high levels of electrical conductivity were observed in the western and southwestern parts of the plain. The amount of nitrate in groundwater was in the good range, but in southern and southwestern plains was higher than the standard.
- Anonymous, Vice President for Strategic Planning and Supervision, guide to spatial distribution methods of climatic factors using point data. (In Persian)
- Ostovari Y., Beigi Harchegani H., Davoodian AR. 2019. Spatial variation of nitrate in the Lordegan aquifer. 2012. Water and Irrigation Management, No. 2(1), pp: 55-67. (In Persian)
- Shabani M. 2011. Evaluation of Geostatistical Methods in Preparing Groundwater Quality Maps and Zoning: A Case Study of Neyrizi Plain, Fars Province. Physical Geography, No.13, pp: 83-96. (In Persian)
- Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi R., Zareian-Jahromi M., Mahmoodi S., Heidari A., Sarmadian F. 2009. Investigation of Interpolation Methods to Determine Spatial Distribution of Groundwater Quality in Rafsanjan. Iranian Journal of Watershed Management Science and Engineering, No.2 (5), pp: 63-70. (In Persian)
- Rezaei M., Davatgar N., Tajdari K., Abolpour B. 2010. Investigation the Spatial Variability of Some Important Groundwater Quality Factors in Guilan, Iran. Water and Soil, No. 24(5), pp: 932-941. (In Persian)
- Hakan A. 2012. Spatial and temporal mapping of groundwater salinity using ordinary kriging and indicator kriging: The case of Bafra Plain, Turke". Agricultural Water Management, No. 113, pp. 57– 63.
- Maria PM., Luís R. 2010. Nitrate probability mapping in the northern aquifer alluvial system of the river Tagus (Portugal) using Disjunctive Kriging, Science of the Total Environment, No. 408, pp. 1021–1034.
- Dash JP., Sarangi A., Singh DK. 2010. Spatial variability of groundwater depth and quality parameters in the National Capital Territory of Delhi. Environmental Management, No. 45, pp. 640–650.
- Istok JD., Cooper RM. 1998. Geostatistics Applied to Groundwater Pollution. Global Estimates, Journal of Environmental Engineering, No. 114(4), pp.915-928.
- Dagostino V., Greene E.A., Passarella B., Vurro, G. 1998. Spatial and temporal study of nitrate concentration in groundwater by means of co-regionalization. Environmental geology, No. 36, pp. 285-295.
- Anonymous, 2012. Hamedan Regional Water Organization. (In Persian)
- Johnston K., Ver Hoef JM., Krivoruchko K., Lucas N. 2001. Using ArcGIS.
- Hassani Pak A. A.2010. Geostatistics. Tehran.
- Alizadeh A. 2004. Quality of irrigation water. Astane Ghods. (In Persian)
- 1994. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Papers.
- Tayefeh N. 2011. Determining the best method of preparing TDS, pH & EC changes map on Mazandaran plain's ground water. New Findings in Applied Geology, No.4(8), pp: 36-43. (In Persian)
- Mohammadi S., Salajegheh A., Mahdavi M., Bagheri R. 2012. An investigation on spatial and temporal variations of groundwater level in Kerman plain using suitable geostatistical method (During a 10-year period). Iranian journal of Range and Desert Research, No. 19(1), pp. 60-71. (In Persian)
- Shabani M. 2009. Determine the most appropriate method of geostatistics in mapping groundwater pH and TDS (case study: Plain Arsanjan). Water Resources Engineering, No. 2(3), pp:47-48. (In Persian)
- Shufeng C., Wenliang W., Kelin H., Wei L. 2010. The effects of land use change and irrigation water resource on nitrate contamination in shallow groundwater at county scale, Ecological Complexity, No. 7, pp.131–138.
- Delgadoa C., Pachecob J., Cabrerab A., Batllori E., Orellanaa R., Bautistad, F. 2010. Quality of groundwater for irrigation in tropical karst environment: The case of Yucatán, Mexico", Agricultural Water Management, No. 97, pp.1423–1433.
- Anonymous, Vice President for Strategic Planning and Supervision, guide to spatial distribution methods of climatic factors using point data. (In Persian)
- Ostovari Y., Beigi Harchegani H., Davoodian AR. 2019. Spatial variation of nitrate in the Lordegan aquifer. 2012. Water and Irrigation Management, No. 2(1), pp: 55-67. (In Persian)
- Shabani M. 2011. Evaluation of Geostatistical Methods in Preparing Groundwater Quality Maps and Zoning: A Case Study of Neyrizi Plain, Fars Province. Physical Geography, No.13, pp: 83-96. (In Persian)
- Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi R., Zareian-Jahromi M., Mahmoodi S., Heidari A., Sarmadian F. 2009. Investigation of Interpolation Methods to Determine Spatial Distribution of Groundwater Quality in Rafsanjan. Iranian Journal of Watershed Management Science and Engineering, No.2 (5), pp: 63-70. (In Persian)
- Rezaei M., Davatgar N., Tajdari K., Abolpour B. 2010. Investigation the Spatial Variability of Some Important Groundwater Quality Factors in Guilan, Iran. Water and Soil, No. 24(5), pp: 932-941. (In Persian)
- Hakan A. 2012. Spatial and temporal mapping of groundwater salinity using ordinary kriging and indicator kriging: The case of Bafra Plain, Turke". Agricultural Water Management, No. 113, pp. 57– 63.
- Maria PM., Luís R. 2010. Nitrate probability mapping in the northern aquifer alluvial system of the river Tagus (Portugal) using Disjunctive Kriging, Science of the Total Environment, No. 408, pp. 1021–1034.
- Dash JP., Sarangi A., Singh DK. 2010. Spatial variability of groundwater depth and quality parameters in the National Capital Territory of Delhi. Environmental Management, No. 45, pp. 640–650.
- Istok JD., Cooper RM. 1998. Geostatistics Applied to Groundwater Pollution. Global Estimates, Journal of Environmental Engineering, No. 114(4), pp.915-928.
- Dagostino V., Greene E.A., Passarella B., Vurro, G. 1998. Spatial and temporal study of nitrate concentration in groundwater by means of co-regionalization. Environmental geology, No. 36, pp. 285-295.
- Anonymous, 2012. Hamedan Regional Water Organization. (In Persian)
- Johnston K., Ver Hoef JM., Krivoruchko K., Lucas N. 2001. Using ArcGIS.
- Hassani Pak A. A.2010. Geostatistics. Tehran.
- Alizadeh A. 2004. Quality of irrigation water. Astane Ghods. (In Persian)
- 1994. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Papers.
- Tayefeh N. 2011. Determining the best method of preparing TDS, pH & EC changes map on Mazandaran plain's ground water. New Findings in Applied Geology, No.4(8), pp: 36-43. (In Persian)
- Mohammadi S., Salajegheh A., Mahdavi M., Bagheri R. 2012. An investigation on spatial and temporal variations of groundwater level in Kerman plain using suitable geostatistical method (During a 10-year period). Iranian journal of Range and Desert Research, No. 19(1), pp. 60-71. (In Persian)
- Shabani M. 2009. Determine the most appropriate method of geostatistics in mapping groundwater pH and TDS (case study: Plain Arsanjan). Water Resources Engineering, No. 2(3), pp:47-48. (In Persian)
- Shufeng C., Wenliang W., Kelin H., Wei L. 2010. The effects of land use change and irrigation water resource on nitrate contamination in shallow groundwater at county scale, Ecological Complexity, No. 7, pp.131–138.
- Delgadoa C., Pachecob J., Cabrerab A., Batllori E., Orellanaa R., Bautistad, F. 2010. Quality of groundwater for irrigation in tropical karst environment: The case of Yucatán, Mexico", Agricultural Water Management, No. 97, pp.1423–1433.