تاثیر جادههای جنگلی درجه دو بر شاخص سطح برگ و تاجپوشش در جنگل بهره-برداری شده راش-ممرز (پژوهش موردی: بخش یک طرح جنگلداری لنگا، کلاردشت)
محورهای موضوعی : منابع طبیعیافشین ارجمند 1 , هادی کیادلیری 2 * , فرید کاظم نژاد 3 , مجید اسحق نیموری 4
1 - دانشجوی دکتری علوم محیط زیست، گروه علوم محیط زیست و جنگل، دانشکده منابع طبیعی و محیط زیست، واحد علوم و تحقیقات، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران.
2 - دانشیار، گروه علوم محیط زیست و جنگل، دانشکده منابع طبیعی و محیط زیست، واحد علوم و تحقیقات، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران. *(مسوول مکاتبات)
3 - استادیار، گروه جنگلداری، دانشکده منابع طبیعی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد چالوس، ایران.
4 - استادیار، گروه جنگلداری، دانشکده منابع طبیعی، دانشگاه دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد چالوس، ایران.
کلید واژه: عکسبرداری نیمکروی, بومشناسی جاده, نورسنجی, طرح جنگلداری لنگا,
چکیده مقاله :
زمینه و هدف: برای کمّی سازی واکنش تاجپوشش درختان نسبت به تغییرات محیط، از مشخصه های شاخص سطح برگ (LAI) و تاج پوشش استفاده می شود که به عنوان مشخصه های نورسنجی تاج پوشش شناخته می شوند. با دخالت جاده سازی در جنگل، مشخصه های نورسنجی تاج پوشش تغییر می کند. بنابراین هدف از این پژوهش، بررسی مقادیر LAI و تاج پوشش در حاشیه جاده های درجه دو جنگلی و مقایسه آن با مقدار مشخصه های یاد شده در تیپ راش-ممرز است.روش بررسی: این مطالعه در بخش یک طرح جنگلداری لنگا در شهرستان کلادرشت انجام گرفت. در پارسل بهره برداری شده، به صورت تصادفی 10 خط نمونه به صورت عمود بر جاده در دامنه خاکریزی این جاده که در سال 1363 احداث شده است، پیاده شد و در تیرماه 1398، در فواصل صفر (حاشیه جاده)، 15، 45، 75 و 105 متری اقدام به عکسبرداری از تاج پوشش (در سه تکرار با مجموع 30 عکس در هر فاصله از جاده)، با روش عکس برداری نیم کروی انجام شد. سپس مقادیر مشخصه های یاد شده در نرمافزار GLA با توجه به حلقه شماره چهار این نرم افزار، مورد پردازش قرار گرفت.یافته ها: براساس آزمون ANOVA، مقادیر تاج پوشش و LAI در بین فواصل مختلف از جاده های جنگلی متفاوت است و براساس آزمون توکی، مقدار مشخصه های یاد شده در فاصله صفر متر از جاده (حاشیه جاده) به طور معنی داری کمتر از دیگر فواصل است (001/0p<).بحث و نتیجه گیری: به دلیل این که این جاده جز جاده های درجه دو در جنگل به شمار می آید و تردد در آن به ندرت انجام می گیرد و از سوی دیگر بهره برداری به صورت تک گزینی درختی (با شدت دخالت کم) در این جنگل انجام شده، بنابراین جنگل در این منطقه با مرور زمان توانسته است اثرات منفی جاده سازی را تعدیل نماید و تنها در حاشیه جاده تاثیر معنی داری بر مقادیر مشخصه های یاد شده مشاهده می شود.
Background & Objective: In order to quantify the response of canopy to environmental changes, leaf area index (LAI) and canopy cover characteristics are used, which are known as canopy photometric characteristics. Road construction in the forest, will change the photometry characteristics of the canopy. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the LAI values and canopy cover along the secondary forest roads and compare with the value of mentioned characteristics in the Beech-Hornbeam forest type.Material and Methodology: This study was conducted in district 1 of Langa Forestry Project in Kelardasht. In the logged parcel, 10 transects were established randomly and perpendicular to the road at fillslope was constructed on 1984. On July 2019, the canopy was photographed by hemispherical photography at distances of zero (road edge), 15, 45, 75 and 105 meters. Then, the values of the mentioned characteristics were processed in GLA software based on the fourth ring of this software.Findings: According to the ANOVA test, the values of canopy cover and LAI are different between different distances of forest roads and according to the Tukey test, the values of the mentioned characteristics at the distance of zero meters from the road (road edge) is significantly lower than other distances (p < 0.001).Discussion and conclusion: Due to the fact, this road is one of the secondary forest roads, so traffic is rare on this road, and on the other hand, a single selection cutting method (with low interference intensity) was used in this forest. Therefore, the forest in this area over time has been able to mitigate the negative effects of road construction and only at the road edge has a significant effect on the values of these characteristics.
- Deljouei, A., Sadeghi, S. M.M., Abdi, E., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Pascoe, E.L., & Marcantonio, M., 2018. The impact of road disturbance on vegetation and soil properties in a beech stand, Hyrcanian forest. European Journal of Forest Research, 137: 759-770.
- Teixeira, F.Z., Rytwinski, T., & Fahrig, L., 2020. Inference in road ecology research: what we know versus what we think we know. Biology Letters, 16: 1-14.
- Deljouei, A., Abdi, E., Marcantonio, M., Majnounian, B., Amici, V., & Sohrabi, H., 2017. The impact of forest roads on understory plant diversity in temperate hornbeam-beech forests of Northern Iran. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189: 1-15.
- Deljouei, A., Sadeghi, S. M.M., & Abdi, A., 2016. Comparing leaf area index at different distances from constructed forest roads edge in Hyrcanian forest (Case study: a hornbeam-beech forest in Kheyrud, Mazandaran). Forest Research and Development, 2: 178-167. (In Persian)
- Deljooei, A., Abdi, E., Hasanvand, M., Sadeghi, S.M.M., & Kaybondori, S., 2017b. Zone effect of secondary forest roads on flora, life forms, and chorology of plants. Journal of Forest Research and Development, 3: 77-89. (In Persian)
- Delgado, J., Arroyo, D.L., Arevalo, J.R., & Fernández-Placios, J.M., 2007. Edge effects of roads on temperature, light, canopy cover, and canopy height in laurel and pine forests (Tenerife, Canary, and Islands). Landscape and Urban Planning, 81: 328-340.
- Fang, H., Baret, F., Plummer, S., & Schaepman‐Strub, G., 2019. An overview of global leaf area index (LAI): Methods, products, validation, and applications. Reviews of Geophysics, 57: 739-799.
- Brown, L.A., Sutherland, D.H., & Dash, J., 2020. Low-cost unmanned aerial vehicle-based digital hemispherical photography for estimating leaf area index: a feasibility assessment. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41: 9064-9074.
- Zou, J., Hou, W., Chen, L., Wang, Q., Zhong, P., Zuo, Y., & Leng, P., 2020. Evaluating the impact of sampling schemes on leaf area index measurements from digital hemispherical photography in Larix principis-rupprechtii forest plots. Forest Ecosystems, 7: 1-18.
- Wang, P., Tong, L., Zhou, X., Gang, X., Gao, B., Li, Y., & Sun, Y., 2021. Estimation of leaf area index based on hemispherical canopy photography. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, pp. 6704-6707.
- Frazer, G.W., Canham, C.D., & Lertzman, K.P., 1999. Gap Light Analyzer (GLA), Version 2.0: Imaging software to extract canopy structure and gap light transmission indices from true-colour fisheye photographs, users manual and program documentation. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, and the Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, New York, 36 p.
- Gilardelli, C., Orlando, F., Movedi, E., & Confalonieri, R., 2018. Quantifying the accuracy of digital hemispherical photography for leaf area index estimates on broad-leaved tree species. Sensors, 18(4), 1028.
- Deljouei, A., Sadeghi, S. M.M., Abdi, E., & Hasanvand, M., 2018. Impact of forest roads on flora, life forms, and chorology of plants in Hornbeam-beech Kheyrud forest. Iranian Journal of Forest and Range Protection Research, 15: 115-130. (In Persian)
- Deljouei, A., Abdi, E., & Majnounian, B., 2018. Effect of forest roads on variability of soil fertility parameters (case study: Kheyroud Forest, Nowshahr). Iranian Journal of Forest, 9: 445-456. (In Persian)
- Delfan Abazari, B., Sagheb Talebi, K., & Namiranian, M., 2004. Investigation of evolutionary stages of natural settlements in the control plot of Kelardasht region (Langa). Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 12: 307-325. (In Pesrian)
- , 2011. Forestry project of Langa: district 1. Forest, Rangland, and Watershed Organization of Iran, 118 p.
- Rahbari Sisakht, S., Moayeri, M.H., Abdi, E., Rahmani, R., & Pahlavani, M.H., 2017. Road geometric design and its effect on some chemical and biochemical indicators of soil of adjacent forest stands. Iranian Journal of Forest Research, 9: 315-331. (In Pesrian)
- Lotfalian, M., RiahiFar, N., Fallah, A., & Hodjati, S.M., 2012. Effects of roads on understory plant communities in a froadleaved forest in Hyrcanian zone. Journal of Forest Science, 58: 446-455.
- Picchio, R., Tavankar, F., Venanzi, R., Lo Monaco, A., & Nikooy, M., 2018. Study of forest road effect on tree community and stand structure in three Italian and Iranian temperate forests. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 39: 57-70.
- da Silva, B.G.D., Castello, A.C.D., Koch, I., & Silva, W.R., 2017. Pathways affect vegetation structure and composition in the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica, 31: 108-119.
- Ercanlı, İ., Günlü, A., Şenyurt, M., & Keleş, S., 2018. Artificial neural network models predicting the leaf area index: a case study in pure even-aged Crimean pine forests from Turkey. Forest Ecosystems, 5: 1-12.
- Sadeghi, S.M.M., Attarod, P., Van Stan, J.T., & Pypker, T.G., 2016. The importance of considering rainfall partitioning in afforestation initiatives in semiarid climates: A comparison of common planted tree species in Tehran, Iran. Science of the Total Environment, 568: 845-855.
- Sadeghi, S.M.M., Van Stan II, J.T., Pypker, T.G., & Friesen, J., 2017. Canopy hydrometeorological dynamics across a chronosequence of a globally invasive species, Ailanthus altissima (Mill., tree of heaven). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 240: 10-17.
- Sadeghi, S.M.M., Van Stan, J.T., Pypker, T.G., Tamjidi, J., Friesen, J., & Farahnaklangroudi, M., 2018. Importance of transitional leaf states in canopy rainfall partitioning dynamics. European Journal of Forest Research, 137: 121-130.
- Sefidi, K., & Sadeghi, S.M.M., 2021. Anthropogenic disturbance impacts on spatial pattern of Caucasian oak (Quercus macranthera) stands in the Hatam Mashe Si forests, Arasbaran. Iranian Journal of Forest, 13: 155-168 (In Pesrian)
- Van Der Ree, R., Jaeger, J.A.G., Van Der Grift, E., & Clevenger, A.P., 2011. Effects of roads and traffic on wildlife populations and landscape function: road ecology is moving toward larger scales. Ecology and Society, 16, pp. 48.
- Kulshreshtha, K., Rai, A., Mohanty, C.S., Roy, R.K., & Sharma, S.C., 2009. Particulate pollution mitigating ability of some plant species. International Journal of Environmental Research, 3: 137-142.
- Zhou, T., Luo, X., Hou, Y., Xiang, Y., & Peng, S., 2020. Quantifying the effects of road width on roadside vegetation and soil conditions in forests. Landscape Ecology, 35: 69-81.
- Huang, X., Sheng, Z., Zhang, Y., Ding, J., & He, K., 2015. Impacts of trails on plants, soil and their interactions in the subalpine meadows of Mount Jade Dragon, Northwestern Yunnan of China. Grassland Sciences, 61: 204-216.
- Parendes, L.A., & Jones, J.A., 2000. Role of light availability and dispersal in exotic plant invasion along roads and streams in the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest. Conservation Biology, 14: 64-75.
- Deljouei, A., Sadeghi, S. M.M., Abdi, E., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Pascoe, E.L., & Marcantonio, M., 2018. The impact of road disturbance on vegetation and soil properties in a beech stand, Hyrcanian forest. European Journal of Forest Research, 137: 759-770.
- Teixeira, F.Z., Rytwinski, T., & Fahrig, L., 2020. Inference in road ecology research: what we know versus what we think we know. Biology Letters, 16: 1-14.
- Deljouei, A., Abdi, E., Marcantonio, M., Majnounian, B., Amici, V., & Sohrabi, H., 2017. The impact of forest roads on understory plant diversity in temperate hornbeam-beech forests of Northern Iran. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189: 1-15.
- Deljouei, A., Sadeghi, S. M.M., & Abdi, A., 2016. Comparing leaf area index at different distances from constructed forest roads edge in Hyrcanian forest (Case study: a hornbeam-beech forest in Kheyrud, Mazandaran). Forest Research and Development, 2: 178-167. (In Persian)
- Deljooei, A., Abdi, E., Hasanvand, M., Sadeghi, S.M.M., & Kaybondori, S., 2017b. Zone effect of secondary forest roads on flora, life forms, and chorology of plants. Journal of Forest Research and Development, 3: 77-89. (In Persian)
- Delgado, J., Arroyo, D.L., Arevalo, J.R., & Fernández-Placios, J.M., 2007. Edge effects of roads on temperature, light, canopy cover, and canopy height in laurel and pine forests (Tenerife, Canary, and Islands). Landscape and Urban Planning, 81: 328-340.
- Fang, H., Baret, F., Plummer, S., & Schaepman‐Strub, G., 2019. An overview of global leaf area index (LAI): Methods, products, validation, and applications. Reviews of Geophysics, 57: 739-799.
- Brown, L.A., Sutherland, D.H., & Dash, J., 2020. Low-cost unmanned aerial vehicle-based digital hemispherical photography for estimating leaf area index: a feasibility assessment. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41: 9064-9074.
- Zou, J., Hou, W., Chen, L., Wang, Q., Zhong, P., Zuo, Y., & Leng, P., 2020. Evaluating the impact of sampling schemes on leaf area index measurements from digital hemispherical photography in Larix principis-rupprechtii forest plots. Forest Ecosystems, 7: 1-18.
- Wang, P., Tong, L., Zhou, X., Gang, X., Gao, B., Li, Y., & Sun, Y., 2021. Estimation of leaf area index based on hemispherical canopy photography. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, pp. 6704-6707.
- Frazer, G.W., Canham, C.D., & Lertzman, K.P., 1999. Gap Light Analyzer (GLA), Version 2.0: Imaging software to extract canopy structure and gap light transmission indices from true-colour fisheye photographs, users manual and program documentation. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, and the Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, New York, 36 p.
- Gilardelli, C., Orlando, F., Movedi, E., & Confalonieri, R., 2018. Quantifying the accuracy of digital hemispherical photography for leaf area index estimates on broad-leaved tree species. Sensors, 18(4), 1028.
- Deljouei, A., Sadeghi, S. M.M., Abdi, E., & Hasanvand, M., 2018. Impact of forest roads on flora, life forms, and chorology of plants in Hornbeam-beech Kheyrud forest. Iranian Journal of Forest and Range Protection Research, 15: 115-130. (In Persian)
- Deljouei, A., Abdi, E., & Majnounian, B., 2018. Effect of forest roads on variability of soil fertility parameters (case study: Kheyroud Forest, Nowshahr). Iranian Journal of Forest, 9: 445-456. (In Persian)
- Delfan Abazari, B., Sagheb Talebi, K., & Namiranian, M., 2004. Investigation of evolutionary stages of natural settlements in the control plot of Kelardasht region (Langa). Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 12: 307-325. (In Pesrian)
- , 2011. Forestry project of Langa: district 1. Forest, Rangland, and Watershed Organization of Iran, 118 p.
- Rahbari Sisakht, S., Moayeri, M.H., Abdi, E., Rahmani, R., & Pahlavani, M.H., 2017. Road geometric design and its effect on some chemical and biochemical indicators of soil of adjacent forest stands. Iranian Journal of Forest Research, 9: 315-331. (In Pesrian)
- Lotfalian, M., RiahiFar, N., Fallah, A., & Hodjati, S.M., 2012. Effects of roads on understory plant communities in a froadleaved forest in Hyrcanian zone. Journal of Forest Science, 58: 446-455.
- Picchio, R., Tavankar, F., Venanzi, R., Lo Monaco, A., & Nikooy, M., 2018. Study of forest road effect on tree community and stand structure in three Italian and Iranian temperate forests. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 39: 57-70.
- da Silva, B.G.D., Castello, A.C.D., Koch, I., & Silva, W.R., 2017. Pathways affect vegetation structure and composition in the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica, 31: 108-119.
- Ercanlı, İ., Günlü, A., Şenyurt, M., & Keleş, S., 2018. Artificial neural network models predicting the leaf area index: a case study in pure even-aged Crimean pine forests from Turkey. Forest Ecosystems, 5: 1-12.
- Sadeghi, S.M.M., Attarod, P., Van Stan, J.T., & Pypker, T.G., 2016. The importance of considering rainfall partitioning in afforestation initiatives in semiarid climates: A comparison of common planted tree species in Tehran, Iran. Science of the Total Environment, 568: 845-855.
- Sadeghi, S.M.M., Van Stan II, J.T., Pypker, T.G., & Friesen, J., 2017. Canopy hydrometeorological dynamics across a chronosequence of a globally invasive species, Ailanthus altissima (Mill., tree of heaven). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 240: 10-17.
- Sadeghi, S.M.M., Van Stan, J.T., Pypker, T.G., Tamjidi, J., Friesen, J., & Farahnaklangroudi, M., 2018. Importance of transitional leaf states in canopy rainfall partitioning dynamics. European Journal of Forest Research, 137: 121-130.
- Sefidi, K., & Sadeghi, S.M.M., 2021. Anthropogenic disturbance impacts on spatial pattern of Caucasian oak (Quercus macranthera) stands in the Hatam Mashe Si forests, Arasbaran. Iranian Journal of Forest, 13: 155-168 (In Pesrian)
- Van Der Ree, R., Jaeger, J.A.G., Van Der Grift, E., & Clevenger, A.P., 2011. Effects of roads and traffic on wildlife populations and landscape function: road ecology is moving toward larger scales. Ecology and Society, 16, pp. 48.
- Kulshreshtha, K., Rai, A., Mohanty, C.S., Roy, R.K., & Sharma, S.C., 2009. Particulate pollution mitigating ability of some plant species. International Journal of Environmental Research, 3: 137-142.
- Zhou, T., Luo, X., Hou, Y., Xiang, Y., & Peng, S., 2020. Quantifying the effects of road width on roadside vegetation and soil conditions in forests. Landscape Ecology, 35: 69-81.
- Huang, X., Sheng, Z., Zhang, Y., Ding, J., & He, K., 2015. Impacts of trails on plants, soil and their interactions in the subalpine meadows of Mount Jade Dragon, Northwestern Yunnan of China. Grassland Sciences, 61: 204-216.
- Parendes, L.A., & Jones, J.A., 2000. Role of light availability and dispersal in exotic plant invasion along roads and streams in the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest. Conservation Biology, 14: 64-75.