A New Approach to Promote Safety in the Software Life Cycle
Subject Areas : Journal of Computer & RoboticsShahrzad Oveisi 1 * , Mohammad Ali Farsi 2 , Mohammad Nadjafi 3 , Ali Moeini 4
1 - Aerospace Research Institute (Ministry of Science, Research and Technology), Tehran, P.O.B. 14665-834, Iran.
Department of Algorithms and Computation, College of Engineering Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 - Aerospace Research Institute (Ministry of Science, Research and Technology), Tehran, P.O.B. 14665-834, Iran
3 - Aerospace Research Institute (Ministry of Science, Research and Technology), Tehran, P.O.B. 14665-834, Iran
4 - Department of Algorithms and Computation, College of Engineering Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Life Cycle, safety, Software Development, Software Safety, Computer-Based System,
Abstract :
Developing a reliable and safe system is one of the most important features of advanced computer-based systems. The software is often responsible for controlling the behavior of mechanical and electrical components as well as interactions between components in systems. Therefore, considering software safety and fault detection are essential in software development. This paper introduces an approach to engineering evidence that examines the software in its lifecycle according to the principles of software safety and system safety engineering. This approach ensures that software risks are identified and documented in the software lifecycle, after which the risks are reduced to an acceptable level in terms of safety according to the proposed methods. The presented approach was applied to a real master case with positive results, namely the Data and Command Unit.
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