Study of Source Limitation and Combined Effect of Chemical and Biological Fertilizer on Yield and Qualitative Traits of Seed (lipid, Nitrogen and Protein Content) Corn
Subject Areas : Journal of Crop Nutrition ScienceFatemeh Noraki 1 * , Ebrahim Panahpor 2 , Hasan Rahmani 3 , Abdolah Ayaran 4
1 - Faculty member, Department of Agriculture, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Soil Science, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
3 - Faculty member, Department of Agriculture, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Ph.D. Student, Department of Agronomy, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
Keywords: Maize, Nitroxin, <i>Defoliation, Urea</i>, Single Cross 701,
Abstract :
BACKGROUND: Nitrogen is a basic plant component, playing a decisive role in the intensification of plant production. Bio-fertilizers play a very significant role in improving soil fertility by fixing atmospheric nitrogen, both, in association with plant roots and without it, insoluble soil phosphates and produces plant growth substances in the soil. OBJECTIVES: The current study was conducted to investigate the integrated management of biological and chemical fertilizers on seed qualitative traits and crop production of single cross 701 corn under warm and dry climate condition. METHODS: This research was carried out via split plot experiment based on randomized complete blocks design with four replications along 2013-2014 year. The main factor included combination nitrogen fertilizer and biologic fertilizer; Nitroxin (a1: 100 Nitrogen fertilizer × 100% biofertilizer, a2: 75% Nitrogen fertilizer × 100% biofertilizer, a3: 50% Nitrogen fertilizer × 100% biofertilizer, a4: 25% Nitrogen fertilizer × 100% biofertilizer) and Defoliation (b1: non defoliation, b2: Cut lower leaves of the cob, b3: Cut upper leaves of the cob) belonged to sub plot. RESULT: Assessment analysis of variance showed effect of combination urea and Nitroxin (instead seed lipid content), defoliation and interaction effect of treatments on all measured traits was significant at 5% probability level. Evaluation mean comparison result of interaction effect of treatments indicated maximum amount of measured characteristics (instead seed nitrogen content) was noted for 50% nitrogen fertilizer × 100% biofertilizer × non defoliation and the lowest ones belonged to 25% nitrogen fertilizer × 100% biofertilizer × cut upper leaves of the cob. CONCLUSION: According to the results, it seems that biological fertilizers in combination with chemical fertilizers provide increased access to food and increase the quantitative and qualitative yield of grain and increase the amount of nutrients in the seed. Also defoliation had great effect on nutrient content. Defoliation the upper leaves of the cob increases the amount of these elements but reduces the economic performance of the single-cross 701 hybrid.
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