Usage of Phenytoin in Treatment of severe Headache in COVID-19 Patients
Subject Areas : Journal of Chemical Health RisksHayder Alhemiary 1 * , Dhuha Almayoof 2
1 - M.B.Ch.B., F.I.C.M.S (Neurosurgery), Instructor, Baghdad Medical College, Consultant Neuro & Orbital Surgery, Medical City, Department of Neurosurgery, Iraq
2 - M.B.Ch.B., CABS, Specialized Radiology, Medical City, Alshahid Ghzi, Department of Radiology, Iraq
Keywords: Treatment, Phenytoin, Headache, COVID-19,
Abstract :
COVID-19 is a viral infection transmitted through the respiratory system, caused by Coronavirus type 2 usually get excess to the body through Flügge microdroplet of an infected person to a healthy one with air although direct contact and aerosol may be another route for transmission. This is a prospective study of 500 patients (63% women) conducted in a medical city in Baghdad. In a study patients’ collection started in Aug 2020 for six weeks. They followed for at least six months after they recovered from COVID-19. Among 500 patients included 53.4% were male (out of those 118 were complain of severe headaches 23.6%), while females comprise about 46.6% of total patients of that 13% had severe headaches. The highest age group with severe headaches was (60-65) years coming next (51-55) years. group A had a partial response to drugs used although more than 60% respond to a combination of Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen, while in group B good control of Headache was achieved (80%) when adding Phenytoin to treatment protocol during and after the acute stage of the disease. There is controversy about the treatment of headaches caused by COVID-19 but for sure, Acetomenaphin combined with NSADI drugs is the best and safe choice. In refractory cases, antiepileptic drugs like phenytoin are added to achieve freedom of pain and for a long-term period.
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