The Relationship between ABO and Rhesus Blood Groups with Toxoplasmosis in Thi-Qar Province, Iraq
Subject Areas : Journal of Chemical Health Risks
Sukaina Neamah
Younus Abdullah
1 - General Directorate of Education in Thi-Qar , Ministry of Education, Al Nasiriya city, Iraq
2 - Southern Technical University, Amara Technical Institute. Amara City, Iraq
Keywords: Toxoplasma gondii, Toxoplasmosis, ABO blood group Rh factor,
Abstract :
Toxoplasma gondiiinfects people via the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) that stimulates humoral and cellular immune responses with specific antibodies. Within this same system, the presence of ABO blood group glycoconjugates also arises and can affect human sensitivity to T. gondii infection. During this paper, the frequency distribution of ABO, as well as Rh blood groups in different phenotypes, were evaluated to investigate potential relationships with toxoplasmosis and to estimate the incidence of toxoplasmosis among pregnant women in Al- Nasiriya city. Data-including serology test results for toxoplasmosis and ABO phenotypes of blood groups in women attending Bint-AL Huda and AL-Shatra Hospital in Nasiriya city were collected from starting of (2013) until the end of (2014). It's have been analyzed using version 20 of SPSS. Results of 2861 participating women indicate high prevalence of toxoplasmosis are 1018 (35.6%), 767 (26.8%), 694 (24.3%) and 382 (13.4%) for"B, A, O, and AB"groups respectively. A large portion of them was Rh+ (70.33%). In conclusion, this research was a significant relationship between blood groups, Rh factor and toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasma was relatively high among women in Al-Nasiriya city and Rhesus positive factor, and Blood type B individuals were most affected.
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