Open Access Article
1 - The Effect of BBC News Lessons on High School EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Learning
حسن علیزاده محمود علیلو توران آهور -
Open Access Article
2 - The Impact of Skill Integration on Task Involvement Load
عاطفه امینی پرویز مفتون -
Open Access Article
3 - The Effect of Three Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Word-part, Word-card and Context-clue on Iranian High School Students’ Immediate and Delayed English Vocabulary Learning and Retention
عباس ابراهیمیان نساء نبی فر -
Open Access Article
4 - The Effect of Individually-Generated, Teacher-Generated, and Cooperatively-Generated Graphic Organizers on Intermediate EFL Students' Vocabulary Knowledge
منصوره مجاوریان حسین سیاه پوش مهران داوری بینا -
Open Access Article
5 - The Impact of Playing Word Games on Young Iranian EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Learning and Retention
رحیله کبیری ناصر غفوری -
Open Access Article
6 - The Effect of Emotionality and Openness to Experience on Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Iranian EFL Students
شبنم رنجبران اسکویی ابوالفضل رمضانی -
Open Access Article
7 - Investigating the Reliability and Factor Structure of the Self-Regulating Capacity in Vocabulary Learning (SRCvoc) in Iranian EFL Context
مریم طالب دعایی سید امیر حسین سرکشیکیان سید عبدالمجید طباطبائی -
Open Access Article
8 - The Relationship between Iranian EFL Learners’ Autonomy and their Vocabulary Learning Strategies with a Focus on Gender
الهام صدیقی نسرین حدیدی تمجید -
Open Access Article
9 - The Effect of Using Mobile-Assisted Flipped Classroom on Iranian EFL Learners' Vocabulary Leaning
Ahmadreza Jamshidipour