Optimization of groundwater abstraction management in the Tabriz plain New approaches and challenges
Subject Areas : journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering
1 - مربی گروه مهندسی عمران، واحد اهر، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، اهر، ایران
Keywords: Groundwater, Water Consumption Management, Tabriz plain,
Abstract :
Water scarcity, as one of the most important challenges facing humanity, has had irreparable consequences. Climate change, reduced rainfall, and excessive extraction of groundwater resources, especially in the plains, are among the main factors of this crisis. The Tabriz Plain, as one of the important agricultural and industrial regions of the country, has been facing water shortage problems since the past. Excessive extraction, in other words, the process of extracting groundwater beyond the equilibrium yield of the aquifer from agricultural and industrial water wells, has led to a drop in groundwater levels, causing salinization of the water and the destruction of agricultural lands. On the other hand, the entry of untreated industrial and domestic wastewater into the aquifers has brought about severe pollution of these valuable resources. This article seeks to increase awareness in this field by examining the reasons for the water crisis in the Tabriz plain, its effects on human life and the environment, and providing solutions for optimal management of water resources. The results of this study show that to deal with this challenge, we need a comprehensive and inclusive approach in which all sectors of society participate.
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