Performance Evaluation of the Effect of Optimally Tuned IMC and PID Controllers on a Poultry Feed Dispensing System
Subject Areas : Embedded Systems
Jibril Bala
Olayemi Olaniyi
Taliha Folorunso
Tayo Arulogun
1 - Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria
2 - Department of Computer Engineering, Federal
University of Technology, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria
3 - Department of Mechatronics Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering and Technology, Federal University of Technology Minna Nigeria
4 - Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
Keywords: Internal Model Controller, PID Controller, Genetic algorithm, Fuzzy Logic, Poultry Feed,
Abstract :
Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controllers and Internal Model Controllers (IMC) are effective tools in control analysis and design. However, parameter tuning, and inaccurate model representation often lead to unsatisfactory closed loop performance. In this study, we analyse the effect of PID controllers and IMCs tuned with Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Fuzzy Logic (FL), on a poultry feeding system. The use of GA and FL for tuning of the PID and IMC parameters was done to enhance the adaptability and optimality of the controller. A comparative analysis was made to analyse closed loop performance and ascertain the most effective controller. The results showed that the GA-PID and FL-PID gave a better performance in the aspect of rise time, settling time and Integrated Absolute Error (IAE). On the other hand, the GA-IMC and FL-IMC gave better performances in the aspect of the performance overshoot. Therefore, for processes in which a faster response and lower IAE are desired, the GA-PID and FL-PID are more effective while for processes in which the major objective is to minimise the overshoot, the GA-IMC and FL-IMC are more suitable.
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