About the journal
On behalf of the editorial board and all of the colleagues, we are pleased to announce the launching of the first International Journal of Computer Engineering and Technology and to make it available to those who are interested in the fields of technology.
The Journal of Advances in Computer Engineering and Technology (JACET), Abbreviated as J ADV COMP ENG TECHNOL, is an international, quarterly, peer-reviewed, libre open access (), scientific research journal published in Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University that aims to disseminate achievements in original research and developments, while featuring new break-troughs in the field of Computer Engineering and Technology.
We are honored for the opportunity to do our best to provide a platform for distinguished researchers, scholars, and experts to participate in scientific exchanges with their national and international peers, and share the latest accomplishments with fellow researchers, whereby disseminating the knowledge gained from their technical endeavors.
This journal is open access and all available content and materials on it are available for free under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. (CC BY 4.0).
At the end, we would like to use this opportunity to thank once again the respectable editorial board members, the Computer Engineering Department of Science and Research Branch, and the esteemed reviewers. We hope that our collective efforts stimulate further progress in this domain of activity with strong determination at both national and international levels.
*Publication process of manuscripts submitted to JACET is free of charge.
“This journal is following of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws”
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Open Access Article
1 - The Kinematic Analysis Of Four Degrees Of Freedom For A Medical Robot And Control It By Labview And Arduino Mega2560 (Simulation And Implementation)
fatima habqa *Issue 1 , Vol. 6 , Winter 2020 -
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2 - Optimization of weighting-based approach to predict and deal with cold start of web recommender systems using cuckoo algorithm
reza molaee fard *Issue 2 , Vol. 7 , Spring 2021 -
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3 - DTMP: Energy Consumption Reduction in Body Area Networks Using a Dynamic Traffic Management Protocol
Mona Alimardani ، Amir Masoud Rahmani ، Houman Zarrabi *Issue 4 , Vol. 3 , Autumn 2017 -
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4 - Hybridization of Facial Features and Use of Multi Modal Information for 3D Face Recognition
Nita Thakare *Issue 1 , Vol. 6 , Winter 2020 -
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5 - Design Software Failure Mode and Effect Analysis using Fuzzy TOPSIS Based on Fuzzy Entropy
shahrzad Oveisi * ، Mohammad Nadjafi ، Mohammad Ali Farsi ، Ali moeini ، Mahmood ShabankhahIssue 3 , Vol. 6 , Summer 2020 -
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6 - An Improved Imperialist Competitive Algorithm based on a new assimilation strategy
Seyed Mojtaba Saif *Issue 2 , Vol. 2 , Spring 2016 -
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7 - Revolution in E-Learning by the Modern Educational Model in Mobile Learning
razieh barzegar *Issue 1 , Vol. 2 , Winter 2016 -
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8 - A Fuzzy TOPSIS Approach for Big Data Analytics Platform Selection
Salah Uddin * ، Mizanur Rahman ، Samaun Hasan ، S.M. Irfan Rana ، Shaikh Muhammad AllayearIssue 1 , Vol. 5 , Winter 2019 -
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9 - Using fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm for common lecturer timetabling among departments
hamed babaei * ، Jaber Karimpour ، Sajjad MaviziIssue 1 , Vol. 3 , Winter 2017 -
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10 - Routing Hole Handling Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Review
Swathi B H * ، Gururaj H LIssue 2 , Vol. 6 , Spring 2020