الگوی مقاومسازی تولید در تکانههای بحرانی (تحریم)؛ مطالعه ای کیفی مبتنی بر نظریه داده بنیاد
محورهای موضوعی : مدیریت صنعتی
hasan mehrmanesh
Jala Haghighat monfared
1 - 1. PH.D student in industrial management, faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Central Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management,, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management,, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
کلید واژه: تکانههای بحرانی, تولید مقاوم, نظریه دادهبنیاد,
چکیده مقاله :
هدف این تحقیق ارائه الگوی مقاومسازی تولید در تکانههای بحرانی می باشد. رویکرد این تحقیق کیفی بوده و از نظر هدف کاربردی و توسعه ای و از نظر روش، توصیفی–اکتشافی و نظریه ای داده بنیاد است. مطابق با روش تئوری داده بنیاد مصاحبه های نیمه ساختاریافته با خبرگان تولید (مورد مطالعه گروه خودرو سازی سایپا) انجام و بر اساس نمونه گیری نظری تا حد اشباع نظری ادامه یافت. پس از احصا 1131 عبارت کلیدی، 841 کد سطح اول، 165 کد سطح دوم و 79 مفهوم در مرحله کد گذاری باز ، 37 مقوله در کد گذاری محوری و در نهایت مدل پارادایمی در مرحله کدگذاری گزینشی حاصل شد. نتایج تحقیق شامل شرایط علی، زمینه ای، مداخله گر و پیامدها ، مشخص و مهمترین راهبردهای کنش عواملی همچون قرارگیری بینش اقتصاد مقاومتی در جایگاه استراتژی، تولید متناسب با بوم آوری منطقه ای–استانی ، اجرای درونی سازی بجای برونسپاری، تغییر پارادیم های فکری در درونزایی و برونگرایی، ایجاد مرکز تربیت مدیران جهادی و ایجاد مرکز تجمیع دانش فنی– صنعتی کشور به عنوان مهمترین عوامل در ایجاد تاب آوری محسوب می گردند .
Although there is general agreement on the effect of sanctions on production, so far no model has been proposed for production that meets the conditions of the sanctions. In this research, a model of production resilience in critical shocks was presented. The approach of this research is qualitative and in terms of practical and developmental purpose and in terms of method, descriptive-exploratory and data theory. In accordance with the data theory method of the foundation, semi-structured interviews were conducted with production experts (studied by Saipa Automotive Group) and continued until the theoretical saturation based on the snowball technique. After counting 1131 key phrases, 841 first level code, 165 second level code and 79 concepts in open coding stage, 37 categories in axial coding and finally paradigm model in selective coding stage were obtained. The results of the research include causal, contextual, intervening conditions and consequences, specific and most important strategies for acting on factors such as placing the vision of resistance economy in the position of strategy, production appropriate to regional-provincial ecology, implementation of internalization instead of outsourcing, changing intellectual paradigms. Internalization and extraversion, the establishment of a training center for jihadi leaders and the establishment of a center for the accumulation of technical-industrial knowledge in the country are considered as the most important factors in creating resilience.
- Abdali, A., Godarzi, G., Sohrabi, T. (2020). Validation the intelligence Model of Petrochemical Industry Parent Co., Industrial Managemnt Journal, 15(51), 67-82.
- Asadi, E., Kushki Jahromi, A., Banshi, E., Sadeghi, R. (2020). Iranian public manager's competency model. Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 3(10), 197-226.
- Artinian, B. M., Giske, T., & Cone, P. H. (2009). Glaserian grounded theory in nursing research: Trusting emergence: Springer Publishing Company
- Davari, Ali , Rezazade, Arash. (2013). Structural equation modeling with PLS software. Jihad-e-Daneshgahi Publishing Organization,Tehran,Iran.
- Denzin, N. (2007). Grounded theory and the politics of interpretation. The Sage Handbook of Grounded Theory (London: Sage, 2007), 454-471.
- Rahmanseresht, H., Harandi, A. (2017). Designing Corporate Governance Strategic Control Model with using Classic Grounded Theory Strategy. Management Researches, 10(37), 29-58. doi: 10.22111/jmr.2017.3677
- Fakhrpour, S., Khoshsepehr, Z., Maleki, M. (2018). Presenting a Model to Realize the Resistive Economy in Organizations Using the Invulnerability Theory. Strategic Management Thought, 12(1), 123-152.
- Feyzi, A., Sadeh, E., Aminisabegh, Z., Ehtesham Rasi, R. (2019). Identification of Resistance Economics Components in Resiliency Supply Chain of Iranian Automotive Industry, Industrial Managemnt Journal, 14(49), 1-18.
- Flint, D, B., Manuj, I., Gammlegareed, B Pohlen, T. (2012). A reviewer's guide to the grounded theory methodology in logistics and supply chain management research. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 42(8/9), 784
- Ghasemi, B., Valmohammadi, C. (2018). Designing a Maturity Model of World-Class Knowledge Management based on the Excellence Model: A Mixed approach. Management Researches, 11(40), 79-107. doi: 10.22111/jmr.2018.4295
- gholipor, A., eftekhar, N. (2017). Introducing a Talent Management Model based on Grounded theory (Case Study: Telecom Operator). Management Researches, 9(34), 59-90. doi: 10.22111/jmr.2017.3103
- Glaser, Barney; Strauss, Anselm (1967), the discovery ofgrounded theory, London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson.
- Glaser, B. G. (1978). Theorethical sensitivity. Sociology Press. The Sociology Press; 1st edition (June 1, 1978).
- Hosseini, A., jafari bazyar, F. (2019). Organizational Resilience from the Perspective of Organization Employees and Managers. Management Studies in Development and Evolution, 28(91), 9-30. doi: 10.22054/jmsd.2019.9658
- Jalili, H., Jamshid Loo, R., Hajikhani, A. (2017). Analysis of Human Resources Productivity in the Industrial Sector According to the Resistive Economy Approach. Industrial Managemnt Journal, 12(41), 119-132.
- Khaki, Gholamreza. (2011). Grandi Research Methods in Management. Bazetab Foujan Publications.
- Karbakhsh Ravari, H., Salajegheh, S., Sheikhi, A. (2020). Providing an practical model of contractor selection and prioritization in project - based companies (Case Study: MAPNACompany). Industrial Managemnt Journal, 14(49), 133-146.
- Kazemi, Moghimi and Pourazat. (2019). Identify dynamic capabilities in the pharmaceutical industry using foundation data theory. Management Futurism, 30, 1-11.
- Khajehpour, M., Farsijani, H., Rabieh, M., Sedaghatparast, E. (2019). Components of Organizational Resilience in Iranian Banking Industry. Management Researches, 12(45), 135-158. doi: 10.22111/jmr.2019.28475.4415
- Larijani, Saeed, Hosseini, Seyed Shamsuddin. (2018). Assessing the effect of tariff policies on the volume of trafficking in Iran and providing solutions to counter it in the direction of a resilient economy. Quarterly Journal of National Defense Strategic Management Studies, 2 (8), 183-212.
- Maarefi, M., Asadollah, H., Hasanpour Qorughchi, E. (2020). Presenting Content Marketing Model Based on Grounded Theory (Case Study: Fars Province Tourism Industry). Industrial Managemnt Journal, 15(51), 156-175.
- Mohammadi Shahroodi, H., Rahimnia, F., Malekzade, G., Khorakian, A. (2019). Presentation of Organizational Resilience Pattern in Manufacturing Companies with Using the Grounded Theory Approach. Management Researches, 12(43), 111-134. doi: 10.22111/jmr.2019.4745
- Nabavi, S., Seydi, M., Erfani, S., Karamzadeh, E. (2018). Strategic model of Islamic Republic of Iran's economic power in the framework of general policies of resistance economy. National Security, 8(28), 41-70.
- Nephew, Richard. (2018). The Art of Sanctions A Look Inside. New York: Columbia University Press.
- Olfati, J., Rangriz, H., Ahmadi, K. (2020). Modeling of industrial cooperatives companies development using structural equation (Case Study: social welfare and cooperative ministry). Industrial Managemnet Journal, 15(52), 125-139.
- Price, Deborah and Cameron Sheila. (2010). Business Research Methods, a Practical Approach. Institute of Personnel and Development, the Broadway, London
- Strategic Control Model with using Classic Grounded Theory Strategy. Management Researches, 10(37), 29-58. doi: 10.22111/jmr.2017.3677
- Rezaeemanesh, B., Sarabi, O.,Abbaspour, J. (2019). Study Of Management Stability’’s Effects On Staff Professionalism Towards An Approach To Meritocracy Target Group. Journal of Development & Evolution Mnagement, 1398(36), 67-77.
- seyf, A., noorozi, M. (2019). The Role and Impact of Institutions on Implementation of Overall Resistance Economy Policies. Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 3(11), 35-66.
- Shamsi Goushki, M., Ziaiee, M., Rezghi shirsavar, H., Mosleh, M. (2019). Rating the Entrepreneurial Components of Resilient Economy by AHP: Designing Appropriate Entrepreneurial Model for Resistive Economy. Management Researches, 12(45), 237-260. doi: 10.22111 /jmr.2019 .25402.4013
- Sheihakitash, M., Mansouri, L. (2017). Analysis of the Relationship Between University and Industry from the perspective of Marketing Relationships with Structural Equations Approach;. Management Researches, 10(36), 181-210. doi: 10.22111/jmr.2017.3514
- Schilling, Thomas (1950) Weapons and Influence
- Stevenson William , Irwin , Mc Graw – Hill , Production/ Operations Managemen )2018)
- Strauss, A. & Corbin J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Newbury Park: Sage Publication
- Zendehdel Nobari, B., Azar, A., Rahmati, M., Kazerooni, M., Ghasemi, A. (2018). Identifying National effective parameters in ERP Implementation Risk Factors in Iran by Multi Grounded Approach. Management Researches, 11(41), 5-28. doi: 10.22111/jmr.2018.4376.
- Abdali, A., Godarzi, G., Sohrabi, T. (2020). Validation the intelligence Model of Petrochemical Industry Parent Co., Industrial Managemnt Journal, 15(51), 67-82.
- Asadi, E., Kushki Jahromi, A., Banshi, E., Sadeghi, R. (2020). Iranian public manager's competency model. Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 3(10), 197-226.
- Artinian, B. M., Giske, T., & Cone, P. H. (2009). Glaserian grounded theory in nursing research: Trusting emergence: Springer Publishing Company
- Davari, Ali , Rezazade, Arash. (2013). Structural equation modeling with PLS software. Jihad-e-Daneshgahi Publishing Organization,Tehran,Iran.
- Denzin, N. (2007). Grounded theory and the politics of interpretation. The Sage Handbook of Grounded Theory (London: Sage, 2007), 454-471.
- Rahmanseresht, H., Harandi, A. (2017). Designing Corporate Governance Strategic Control Model with using Classic Grounded Theory Strategy. Management Researches, 10(37), 29-58. doi: 10.22111/jmr.2017.3677
- Fakhrpour, S., Khoshsepehr, Z., Maleki, M. (2018). Presenting a Model to Realize the Resistive Economy in Organizations Using the Invulnerability Theory. Strategic Management Thought, 12(1), 123-152.
- Feyzi, A., Sadeh, E., Aminisabegh, Z., Ehtesham Rasi, R. (2019). Identification of Resistance Economics Components in Resiliency Supply Chain of Iranian Automotive Industry, Industrial Managemnt Journal, 14(49), 1-18.
- Flint, D, B., Manuj, I., Gammlegareed, B Pohlen, T. (2012). A reviewer's guide to the grounded theory methodology in logistics and supply chain management research. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 42(8/9), 784
- Ghasemi, B., Valmohammadi, C. (2018). Designing a Maturity Model of World-Class Knowledge Management based on the Excellence Model: A Mixed approach. Management Researches, 11(40), 79-107. doi: 10.22111/jmr.2018.4295
- gholipor, A., eftekhar, N. (2017). Introducing a Talent Management Model based on Grounded theory (Case Study: Telecom Operator). Management Researches, 9(34), 59-90. doi: 10.22111/jmr.2017.3103
- Glaser, Barney; Strauss, Anselm (1967), the discovery ofgrounded theory, London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson.
- Glaser, B. G. (1978). Theorethical sensitivity. Sociology Press. The Sociology Press; 1st edition (June 1, 1978).
- Hosseini, A., jafari bazyar, F. (2019). Organizational Resilience from the Perspective of Organization Employees and Managers. Management Studies in Development and Evolution, 28(91), 9-30. doi: 10.22054/jmsd.2019.9658
- Jalili, H., Jamshid Loo, R., Hajikhani, A. (2017). Analysis of Human Resources Productivity in the Industrial Sector According to the Resistive Economy Approach. Industrial Managemnt Journal, 12(41), 119-132.
- Khaki, Gholamreza. (2011). Grandi Research Methods in Management. Bazetab Foujan Publications.
- Karbakhsh Ravari, H., Salajegheh, S., Sheikhi, A. (2020). Providing an practical model of contractor selection and prioritization in project - based companies (Case Study: MAPNACompany). Industrial Managemnt Journal, 14(49), 133-146.
- Kazemi, Moghimi and Pourazat. (2019). Identify dynamic capabilities in the pharmaceutical industry using foundation data theory. Management Futurism, 30, 1-11.
- Khajehpour, M., Farsijani, H., Rabieh, M., Sedaghatparast, E. (2019). Components of Organizational Resilience in Iranian Banking Industry. Management Researches, 12(45), 135-158. doi: 10.22111/jmr.2019.28475.4415
- Larijani, Saeed, Hosseini, Seyed Shamsuddin. (2018). Assessing the effect of tariff policies on the volume of trafficking in Iran and providing solutions to counter it in the direction of a resilient economy. Quarterly Journal of National Defense Strategic Management Studies, 2 (8), 183-212.
- Maarefi, M., Asadollah, H., Hasanpour Qorughchi, E. (2020). Presenting Content Marketing Model Based on Grounded Theory (Case Study: Fars Province Tourism Industry). Industrial Managemnt Journal, 15(51), 156-175.
- Mohammadi Shahroodi, H., Rahimnia, F., Malekzade, G., Khorakian, A. (2019). Presentation of Organizational Resilience Pattern in Manufacturing Companies with Using the Grounded Theory Approach. Management Researches, 12(43), 111-134. doi: 10.22111/jmr.2019.4745
- Nabavi, S., Seydi, M., Erfani, S., Karamzadeh, E. (2018). Strategic model of Islamic Republic of Iran's economic power in the framework of general policies of resistance economy. National Security, 8(28), 41-70.
- Nephew, Richard. (2018). The Art of Sanctions A Look Inside. New York: Columbia University Press.
- Olfati, J., Rangriz, H., Ahmadi, K. (2020). Modeling of industrial cooperatives companies development using structural equation (Case Study: social welfare and cooperative ministry). Industrial Managemnet Journal, 15(52), 125-139.
- Price, Deborah and Cameron Sheila. (2010). Business Research Methods, a Practical Approach. Institute of Personnel and Development, the Broadway, London
- Strategic Control Model with using Classic Grounded Theory Strategy. Management Researches, 10(37), 29-58. doi: 10.22111/jmr.2017.3677
- Rezaeemanesh, B., Sarabi, O.,Abbaspour, J. (2019). Study Of Management Stability’’s Effects On Staff Professionalism Towards An Approach To Meritocracy Target Group. Journal of Development & Evolution Mnagement, 1398(36), 67-77.
- seyf, A., noorozi, M. (2019). The Role and Impact of Institutions on Implementation of Overall Resistance Economy Policies. Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 3(11), 35-66.
- Shamsi Goushki, M., Ziaiee, M., Rezghi shirsavar, H., Mosleh, M. (2019). Rating the Entrepreneurial Components of Resilient Economy by AHP: Designing Appropriate Entrepreneurial Model for Resistive Economy. Management Researches, 12(45), 237-260. doi: 10.22111 /jmr.2019 .25402.4013
- Sheihakitash, M., Mansouri, L. (2017). Analysis of the Relationship Between University and Industry from the perspective of Marketing Relationships with Structural Equations Approach;. Management Researches, 10(36), 181-210. doi: 10.22111/jmr.2017.3514
- Schilling, Thomas (1950) Weapons and Influence
- Stevenson William , Irwin , Mc Graw – Hill , Production/ Operations Managemen )2018)
- Strauss, A. & Corbin J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Newbury Park: Sage Publication
- Zendehdel Nobari, B., Azar, A., Rahmati, M., Kazerooni, M., Ghasemi, A. (2018). Identifying National effective parameters in ERP Implementation Risk Factors in Iran by Multi Grounded Approach. Management Researches, 11(41), 5-28. doi: 10.22111/jmr.2018.4376.