Identifying and Prioritizing the Components of Public Culture Effec-tive in the Political Development of Iran Case study: The Islamic Republic period
Subject Areas : علوم سیاسی
Keywords: Knowledge, knowledge management, Knowledge sharing, Gilan Science and Technol-ogy Park,
Abstract :
This article aims to identify and prioritize the components of public culture that are effective in the political development of Iran; It has been considered using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). In the first step, based on the studies and literature on public culture and political development, a researcher-made questionnaire with 5 options on the Likert scale was created, distributed, and collected among experts. These factors were identified and categorized in the three dimensions of the government, civil socie-ty, and citizens separately. In the next step, in the form of a paired questionnaire and with the help of Expert Choice software, these dimensions and components were prior-itized and weighted. According to the results of the second questionnaire, the bulk of civil society with a weight of (0.413); The government with a weight of (0.327), and citizens with a weight of (0.260) respectively have the most importance in the political development of Iran. Therefore, it is suggested that officials, decision-makers, and policy-makers strongly pay weight and rank to each of the dimensions and components in order to be able to make the most of the results of the uncle's culture in political de-velopment.
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