Studying the Attitude of the Turkmen People towards Government Distributive Justice (Case Study: Turkmen living in Golestan Province)
Subject Areas : علوم سیاسی
Keywords: Attitude, Justice, Distributive justice, Turkmen people,
Abstract :
Abstract: The fair distribution of facilities and the correct implementation of distributive justice in multi-ethnic so-cieties increases unity among different ethnicities and increases people's trust in the political system, and as a result, reduces inequalities and eliminates social gaps. The purpose of this research is to investigate the attitude of the Turkmen people towards distributive justice in Golestan province. The research meth-od is a survey, and information has been collected using a questionnaire. The statistical population of this research is all Turkmen people with at least diploma education, living in Golestan province. System-atic random sampling method and sample size based on Cochran's formula is 207 people. Statistical analysis was done using PLS software. The model extracted from examining the relationship between satisfaction with governance and the components of distributive justice showed that the path coeffi-cients between distributive justice in the political (0.371), economic (0.253) and cultural (0.154) dimen-sions show a positive and significant relationship with satisfaction with governance. However, no signifi-cant relationship was observed between social justice and satisfaction with governance despite the exist-ence of a positive relationship (0.110); Therefore, the results obtained from the research show that there is a significant relationship between distributive justice and satisfaction with governance, and Turkmen people believe that justice is not equally distributed among different ethnic groups in the society, which requires special attention in development planning.
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