Investigating the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Political Participation PNU Students of Tehran West
Subject Areas :
علوم سیاسی
Received: 2017-09-20
Accepted : 2017-09-20
Published : 2016-06-01
Emotional intelligence,
problem solving,
stress tolerance,
political participation,
Abstract :
Considering that explain the role of emotional indicators contributed to the decision the present study investigation indicators of emotional intelligence political participation effective.Because the political system is based on the will of the people was based on continuity and authority is dependent on political participation and involvement of people. This paper presents an analytical study of statistical correlation schemes, pun students in Tehran were west; the sample consisted of 394 undergraduate and graduate students from the university and society is based on random sampling were chosen. The result showed that total score of emotional intelligence and its subscales 15, NO.3subscales, including problem solving, stress tolerant and optimism are relatively high correlation with the variable of political participation. Based on the result, it can be conclude that no matter how problem solving, stress tolerate and optimism in people, especially among students is higher, as well as their participation in political events impact in the community including his participation in the elections as one of the components of political participation will be higher subscales of course the development of society, the civil society is inextricably linked with the development of parameters
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