A Comparative Study on Political Theology in Western and Islamic Political Thought
Subject Areas : علوم سیاسی
Garineh Keshishyan Siraki
Hossein Jahanshahi
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Keywords: library, Word of Christ, Original sin, Rule of grace, Oriented hermeneutic Text,
Abstract :
The science of the word and theology considered as expertise in area of concern of Islam religion in which it discusses about religious principle, approach and worldview based on rational and narrative reasoning and answer to doubts that pose in this area; in Christianity and in general through all monotheism religions, it could be possible to use this method for religious reasoning, it could be say that science word and in particular, word of Christianity has been generated in confronting with spiteful people, enemies and Sophist in area of religion, by administrators of religion (Priest and ministers and etc….); questions such as, prove of God existence, original sin, matter of descending, rule of grace, return that will be discussed in this theoretical course. Researchers in science of word has been known as petitioner, in Christian works, it could be mentioned that the most reputable and highlighted petitioners are holy Augustin, Aquinas, Luther and Calvin. Present research has been conducted using library and text oriented hermeneutic and time limitations impacted to this method. In Augustin’s interpretation, it could be observed that, the human after descending stage, in which natural desires of human plays role as main leader of individuals and the only grace could survive human from falling through a slope he is falling from, but in contrast in Aquinas interpretation, after descending of human, his wisdom has been remained as his leader and could lead him to his final destiny, that is generation a regular society to reach salvation.
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