Designing a system model of good governance in the Social Security Organization
Behrouz Nikzad
Ph.D. Candidate of Public Administration, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh Branch, Firoozkooh, Iran
Farshad Hajalian
Assistant Professor of Public Administration, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh Branch, Firoozkooh, Iran
Majid Jahangirfard
Assistant Professor of Public Administration, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh Branch, Firoozkooh, Iran
Ali Mahdizadeh Ashrafi
Assistant Professor of Public Administration, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh Branch, Firoozkooh, Iran
Keywords: system model, social security organization, Governance system, Social insurance,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to design a system model of good governance in the Social Security Organization. The research method is heuristic. The sampling method is purposeful and the measurement tool is semi-structured in the qualitative part of the interview and includes a researcher-made questionnaire in the quantitative part. The validity of the questionnaire was determined by both formal and content methods. The reliability coefficient was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha. In order to analyze the data in the qualitative part, the content analysis method was used. In the quantitative part, the structural equation modeling method was used using SPSS and AMOS software. Friedman test was also used to prioritize the dimensions and components of the research. The results showed that the dimensions of good governance in the Social Security Organization were divided into five dimensions: causal factors, contextual factors, intervening factors, strategic factors and consequences. Ali, Components 1. Effective management of human resources 2. Legal support for good governance 3. Capacities of organizational resources in terms of underlying factors, components 1. Managerial weaknesses 2. Process barriers in the organization 3. Legal barriers in the dimension of intervening factors, components 1. Increasing economic capacity and financing 2. Development of educational capacities 3. Increasing organizational agility in terms of strategic factors and components of performance improvement 2. Development of partnership 3. Sustainable development in terms of outcomes was identified in terms of the importance of designing a system of good governance in the Social Security Organization.
Designing a system model of good governance in the Social Security Organization
The purpose of this study is to design a system model of good governance in the Social Security Organization. The research method is heuristic. The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part includes experts and social security agents of Mazandaran province and in the quantitative part includes stakeholders (employees, pensioners and social security insured), private sector (employers) and social security agents of Mazandaran province. The sampling method is purposeful and the measurement tool is semi-structured in the qualitative part of the interview and includes a researcher-made questionnaire in the quantitative part. The validity of the questionnaire was determined by both formal and content methods. The reliability coefficient was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha. In order to analyze the data in the qualitative part, the content analysis method was used. In the quantitative part, the structural equation modeling method was used using SPSS and AMOS software. Friedman test was also used to prioritize the dimensions and components of the research. The results showed that the dimensions of good governance in the Social Security Organization were divided into five dimensions: causal factors, contextual factors, intervening factors, strategic factors and consequences. Ali, Components 1. Effective management of human resources 2. Legal support for good governance 3. Capacities of organizational resources in terms of underlying factors, components 1. Managerial weaknesses 2. Process barriers in the organization 3. Legal barriers in the dimension of intervening factors, components 1. Increasing economic capacity and financing 2. Development of educational capacities 3. Increasing organizational agility in terms of strategic factors and components of performance improvement 2. Development of partnership 3. Sustainable development in terms of outcomes was identified in terms of the importance of designing a system of good governance in the Social Security Organization.
Keywords: System model, Governance system, Social insurance, Social security organization
Political leaders and officials are always striving to make or make their political system more efficient. All governments declare their goal of achieving greater good and benefit for the citizens, whether those who limit the space for people, organizations and popular structures and concentrate power in their hands, or those who have more freedom for People and the formation of structures and organizations provide (Quinn and Dawson, 2019). In other words, all governments claim to create a platform to provide the basis for good governance through individual, social and institutional improvement (Muqtedar Khan, 2019; Adeogun et al., 2017). In fact, good governance was formed due to lack of trust in governments because many people were disappointed with the government's ability to solve social problems (Molaei et al., 2019). Since the 1990s, in the framework of modern government management, government organizations, which for many years have paid little attention to the quality of services or customer responsiveness, have undergone a transformation with regard to this movement. Instead of focusing solely on providing public services, the public sector focused on ensuring that the expected benefits for stakeholders are achieved (Ahangaran, 2018; Towah, 2019). For this reason, thinkers in the field of public administration have made every effort to provide scientific and acceptable indicators and measure and measure the state of good governance based on these indicators, the ground for the implementation of good governance at different levels of government. (National or organizational) and as a result of this effort, individuals, groups and international institutions have each introduced indicators and characteristics for good governance (Saffa Abdulai, 2021). Good governance versus bad governance has been proposed as one of the most effective factors in the development of different societies, especially developing ones (Araei et al., 2017). The rapid spread of the theory of good governance and the emphasis of international institutions on this issue have caused many global institutions to put a lot of pressure on governments to reform (Perry, 2020). Evidence of this claim is the words of former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan: "Good governance is probably the most important factor in eradicating poverty and the cause of growth and development" (Addink, 2019; Belhadef and Bouzian, 2019). In this regard, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has defined good governance in a comprehensive definition: "Good governance is an effort for the rule of law, transparency, accountability, participation, equality, efficiency, effectiveness, accountability and strategic vision in actions Political, economic, administrative authority (Rabou, 2020). By looking at the definitions and explanations of the components of good governance, it is observed that it considers issues such as creating welfare, poverty alleviation, and realization of development, participation, effectiveness and in a comprehensive sense, creating satisfaction among citizens.
An important issue in this regard is the analysis of the function of the Social Security Organization in achieving good governance. In other words, can the Social Security Organization, as an important and effective service institution, be given an important and effective role in achieving better governance?
Social insurance in Iran was established in 1310 with the ways and means that worked to build railways in the country. In 1936, the Factory Savings Trust Fund was established, in 1326, the Social Welfare Enterprise and the current basis of the Social Security Organization was established in 1332 as the Workers' Social Insurance Organization, ie the insured to whom the organization is now obliged to pay or their survivors. According to the law and organization of 1953 (Eltejaei and Salimi, 2013). The law according to which the Social Security Organization now operates was approved in 1975 and the Workers' Social Insurance Organization has become the Social Security Organization (Del Afrooz et al., 2017). The Social Security Organization currently covers about 42 million people, the pension sector, which is also considered separately in the law, has allocated about two-thirds of its resources (Zamani and Rafiei, 2021). The number of people covered by social security is 14 million insured, of which 10 million are subject to the labor law and compulsory insured, about 2 million are free and voluntary job insured and about 2 million are compulsory insured, with a total of 37 million with their families. To be. About 3.5 million pensioners are covered by the organization, which forms more than 5 million people with their families. Therefore, more than half of the country's population is covered by the Social Security Organization (Taj Mazinani and Begi, 2019). Given the foregoing and the people covered by social security who make up almost half of the country's population, there is a need to establish a good governance process to strengthen strengths and proper planning to address weaknesses as well as turn threats into opportunities. Since the Social Security Organization seeks the dynamism of organizational structures and in order to standardize services and improve its efficiency and productivity, seeks to modernize and improve administrative structures and specialized, committed, efficient and creative human resources, so this will not be possible except through good governance.
With these brief introductions, the current research is an attempt to provide a systemic model of good governance in the Social Security Organization. Therefore, the main question that the authors seek to provide a reasoned and convincing answer to this is: How to design a system of good governance in the Social Security Organization? And what are the dimensions, components and characteristics of this model?
Research background
Internal research
- Akbari et al. (2021) in a study entitled "Designing a three-pronged model of good governance in multilevel organizations" sought to provide an effective model of good governance for multilevel organizations. The results showed that the most basic factors related to good governance, policy formulation, transparency of laws, decentralized management structure, control capacity building, elimination of redundant regulations, service quality measurement, market change, CRM quality measurement, core value, culture, atmosphere Organizational, equalization of opportunities, service compensation system, HRMS facilitation, internalization, organizational commitment.
- Sadeghian Qaraghieh et al. (2020) in a study entitled "Designing an organizational empowerment model based on good governance: a qualitative approach" concluded that in order to organizational empowerment with emphasis on good governance, special attention should be paid to the ten main dimensions. Participation, the rule of law and values, development and education, transparency, accountability, control, social capital and communication, leadership, clear purpose and consequentialism, and justice.
-Rajabi Farjad and Azb Daftar (2017) in a study entitled "The effect of good governance on organizational health with respect to the mediating role of political behavior" and aimed to explain the impact of good governance on organizational health with the mediating role of political behavior in the North Tehran Tax Office. Findings showed that political behavior in the relationship between good governance and organizational health plays a mediating role well and also the variables of good governance and organizational health have a positive and significant effect on political behavior.
-Derakhshan and Pilevari (2018) in an article entitled "Pathology of the implementation of administrative health policies with a good governance approach in the Jihad Agricultural Organization of Markazi Province" which aims to pathology of the implementation of administrative health policies with a good governance approach and to express solutions To implement the administrative health policies, they concluded that in the dimensions of quality of regulation, rule of law, accountability and transparency, respectively, there is the greatest distance between the status quo and the desired situation, and in the next steps, the dimensions of justice and fairness, effectiveness and efficiency.
-Tehrani et al. (2014), in a study entitled "Civil Service Management Law: Principles, Foundations and Strategies Proposed" examine the principles of the subject and the intellectual framework governing the Civil Service Management Law. The results of the research show that the alignment with the general policies of the administrative system, which is in line with the Civil Service Management Law, should be seriously considered in the law review phase.
-Sahabi et al., (2013), in a study entitled "Study of the effect of good governance and government size on financial development in selected countries" The effect of government size and good governance on financial development using statistical data from 79 developing and developing countries The findings are reviewed for the period 2011-1996. The relationships between the variables are estimated using generalized torque estimators (GMM) and the study findings show that government size has a negative effect and good governance has a positive effect on the financial development of the studied countries.
-Shahabadi et al. (2013), in a study entitled "The effect of good governance on unemployment growth in selected developed and developing countries" have concluded that improving each of the governance indicators, positive changes to reduce unemployment Leaves countries. In fact, countries stimulate investment incentives in productive activities by improving governance components, which increases employment and reduces unemployment.
Foreign research
In a study entitled "Investigating the Impact of Good Governance on Citizens' Trust in Pakistan", Yousef et al., (2015) stated that in democratic governments, ethical administrative practices have always been a vital tool for determining good governance and a vital element for Building the trust of citizens is well known. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to evaluate immoral actions and how they affect good governance and develop citizens' trust. For the study, 1,000 questionnaires were distributed to Pakistani citizens over the age of 20 with at least a high school diploma. The response rate was 53.3%. The results confirm the causal relationship between good governance and citizens' trust and the negative effect of immoral actions on the two and show the importance of addressing ethical modeling and reshaping public sector ethical behaviors. To promote good governance and increase citizens' trust.
-Rinderman et al. (2015), in a study entitled "Capitalism, Good Governance and Wealth of Nations", concluded that the effectiveness of government as an indicator of good governance (at the World Bank) as a very important factor for It is the production of wealth in countries, insofar as it has a positive effect on the formation of political and economic institutions and is generally seen in economic performance. The quality of governance, in turn, depends on the characteristics of the people in it. In the analysis based on international data, the effectiveness of the state as a whole is related to the human capitalism of society and politicians. The correlation between regression and analysis shows that government effectiveness has a very strong impact on productivity and wealth creation.
Sardiaramanti et al., (2020) in a study entitled "The Impact of Good Governance, Leadership and Organizational Culture on Public Performance Accountability" concludes that good governance has a direct effect on two issues of employees' organizational culture and their level of responsibility.
- Haitham Ali Hejazi (2021) in a study entitled "The effect of using the principles of good governance on job satisfaction of public sector employees in Jordan" believes that the impact of good governance principles on job satisfaction of public sector employees in Jordan is statistically significant. And in matters such as transparency, justice and equality, accountability, participation and honesty, rights and compensation, direct oversight, training programs, promotion and performance appraisal have direct and constructive effects.
Research Method
The research method of the present article is applied in terms of purpose and exploratory mixed method in terms of method. The statistical population in the first stage in the qualitative section included experts and government agents related to social security in Mazandaran province with a history of management and policy-making, who were purposefully appointed to 17 people. Also, the statistical population in the second phase of the research in the quantitative part includes 452 stakeholders (including employees, pensioners and social security insured), the private sector (employers) and government agents related to social security in Mazandaran province. According to the research method used in this study in the qualitative stage, the number of specific samples was not specified at first and sampling continued purposefully until 17 theoretical saturation interviews were obtained. In the qualitative approach, purposive sampling method "rich information samples" was used, and the researcher selected from the range of potential people to observe, those who can enrich the required data repository in the collection process. In a small part, considering that the size of the statistical population (stakeholders: including employees, pensioners and social security insured), the private sector (employers) and government agents related to social security in Mazandaran province) is considered unlimited. In the quantitative part, the sample size was determined using Cochran's formula for infinite communities and Morgan table to 384 people.
The data collection method in the present study was a library and measurement tool in the qualitative part of the interview was semi-structured and in the quantitative part included a researcher-made questionnaire, the construct validity of which was determined using factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha test coefficient. It was confirmed. Data analysis method in qualitative part was done through triple coding of grounded theory method (open coding, axial coding, and selective coding) resulting from in-depth and open interviews with experts and in a small part of KS test for normality of variables. Research and to answer the research questions, regression analysis and structural equations were used using SPSS22 and Amos software.
Qualitative method: According to the stages of the research, the most appropriate method for collecting the required information was interviewing experts (17 experts and government agents related to social security in Mazandaran province with a history of management and policy making). The reason for choosing this method as a method of data collection is to increase the accuracy and reliability of the final research model. Table 1 shows the interview process questions.
Table 1: Interview Questions with Experts
Question | Row |
What is your definition of good governance? And when do you think there can be good governance in the organization? | 1 |
What do you think are the dimensions of a good governance system model in the Social Security Organization? | 2 |
What do you think are the components of a good governance system model in the Social Security Organization? | 3 |
What do you think are the characteristics of a systemic model of good governance in the Social Security Organization? | 4 |
In your opinion, what results (consequences) can good governance have in the social security organization? (1- Individual consequences 2- Organizational consequences) | 5 |
What do you think are the inputs to the system of good governance in the Social Security Administration? | 6 |
What do you think are the outcomes of a good governance system model in the Social Security Administration? | 7 |
How do you think feedback can be expressed in a good governance system model? | 8 |
Is there good governance in the Social Security Administration? Mention the reasons for that. | 9 |
What is your suggestion for establishing good governance in the Social Security Organization? | 10 |
Quantitative method: After collecting the data and entering them into the computer, the data were analyzed using Amos software and SPSS software. SPSS software was used to determine the internal consistency reliability. Amos software was used to perform confirmatory factor analysis and finally composite reliability (CV) reliability of each question (IR), mean extraction variance (AVE), maximum common variance (MSV) and average common variance (ASV) to determine the validity of all Orientation and divergence (diagnostic) were calculated based on the final model and according to the model proposed by Fresnel and Larker (1981). In order to collect evidence related to the validity of the structure, the method of factor analysis (confirmatory) has been used, which is discussed below. All factor loads higher than 0.4 are appropriate and are significant at the level of 0.1 in structural equations in addition convergent validity, which is used to investigate the importance of structural markers, is also considered as diagnostic validity. In order to check the reliability, the combined reliability index was used. The results are shown in Table 2. The higher values of 0.6 of this combined reliability coefficient for each structure indicate its appropriate reliability.
Estimation of convergent and divergent reliability and validity
Finally, the reliability results are presented by internal consistency method. Reliability of each question, convergence validity and diagnostic) (distinction of extracted structures based on the final model) are presented in Table 2.
Table 2: Mean values of extracted variance and composite reliability of latent research variables
Component | AVE | CR
| MSV | ASV | |
Entrance | Funds
| 58/0 | 592/0 | 928/0 | 004/0 |
External factors | 75/0 | 610/0 | 881/0 | 004/0 | |
Human resources and equipment | 69/0 | 558/0 | 800/0 | 04/0 | |
Benefits and expectations of stakeholders
| 45/0 | 580/0 | 835/0 | 004/0 | |
Process | Efficiency and resource management
| 61/0 | 520/0 | 816/0 | 004/0 |
Organizational Justice | 65/0 | 518/0 | 700/0 | 04/0 | |
| 66/0 | 650/0 | 517/0 | 004/0 | |
| 71/0 | 552/0 | 917/0 | 004/0 | |
Fight against corruption | 72/0 | 580/0 | 700/0 | 004/0 | |
Transparency | 69/0 | 564/0 | 417/0 | 004/0 | |
Output | Funds | 68/0 | 770/0 | 835/0 | 004/0 |
the quality of service | 60/0 | 505/0 | 816/0 | 04/0 | |
Terms and Conditions | 62/0 | 604/0 | 928/0 | 004/0 | |
Empowerment and efficiency | 72/0 | 612/0 | 881/0 | 004/0 | |
Short-term results | 68/0 | 770/0 | 835/0 | 04/0 | |
| Long-term results | 58/0 | 0.515 | 928/0 | 004/0 |
consequences | Individual consequences | 0.61 | 0.302 | 881/0 | 004/0 |
Organizational Consequences | 0.62 | 0.420 | 800/0 | 004/0 |
The results of Table 2 indicate that the correlation coefficient of the questions with the total score of the questionnaire was higher than 0.3 and the reliability of each question was more than 0.20, which shows that the questions are accurate enough in measuring the variables. In addition, the reliability of Cronbach's alpha method was higher than 0.60 and the composite reliability was higher than 0.70, which shows that all factors have the necessary accuracy in determining the structure. Also, the results of Table 2 show that for each part CR> (AVE) and AVE> 0.5 as a result of the components have convergent validity. In addition, since for each component MSV <AVE and ASV <AVE which indicates It is the diagnostic and divergent validity of the components. These findings indicate that each factor estimates the purpose of the questionnaire (convergent validity) and also the results indicate that the subscales are not so highly correlated that all of them They become a structure and therefore the components are not duplicates. Also, as the fit characteristics of Table 2 show, the data of this research have a good fit with the factor structure and theoretical basis of the research, and this indicates that the questions are consistent. It is with theoretical structures.
Trust or reliability of the questionnaire
In this study, a pre-test was performed to assess the reliability of the questionnaire. First, 30 questionnaires were distributed and collected in the target population and after entering the data, the reliability coefficient (Cronbach's alpha) was calculated using SPSS software. The results of the reliability of the questionnaire are presented in Table 3.
Table 3. Cronbach's alpha of the variables of the Good Governance System Model Model Questionnaire in the Social Security Organization
Cronbach's alpha | Model dimensions | Row |
0.770 | Funds | 1 |
0.765 | External factors | 2 |
0.751 | Human resources and equipment | 3 |
0.870 | Benefits and expectations of stakeholders | 4 |
0.815 | Efficiency and resource management | 5 |
0.769 | Organizational Justice | 6 |
0.758 | Responsiveness | 7 |
0.720 | Responsibility | 8 |
0.770 | Fight against corruption | 9 |
0.790 | Transparency | 10 |
0.805 | Funds | 11 |
0.870 | the quality of service | 12 |
0.814 | Terms and Conditions | 13 |
0.740 | Empowerment and efficiency | 14 |
0.830 | Short-term results | 15 |
0.749 | Long-term results | 16 |
0.805 | Individual consequences | 17 |
0.890 | Organizational Consequences | 18 |
Research Findings
Process of implementing grounded theory methodology (qualitative data findings)
A) Causal factors: In data theory, the Causal Factors Foundation refers to those concepts that in general and in the form of a set of identified codes, affect strategies, contextual factors, intervening factors and consequences. Code A is related to causal factors, which is defined from the first respondent A1 to the seventeenth respondent A17.
B) Underlying factors: Underlying factors are the set of causes and conditions that motivate the actor to engage in a particular behavior. Code B relates to the contextual factors defined from the first interviewee B1 to the seventeenth interviewee B17.
C) Interfering factors: This section seeks to examine the challenges and problems of good governance in social security. Code C is related to intervening factors, which is defined from the first interviewee C1 to the seventeenth interviewee C17.
D) Strategic factors: This section seeks to examine good governance strategies in social security. Code D is related to strategies that are defined from the first interviewee D1 to the seventeenth interviewee D17.
E) Consequences: This section seeks to examine the consequences and achievements of good governance in social security. Code E refers to the outcomes and achievements that have been defined from the first interviewee E1 to the seventeenth interviewee E17.
Research Findings (Quantitative Data Findings)
Demographic characteristics of the respondents
In the descriptive demographic part of the study, variables such as (gender, age, level of education and work experience, job position) were examined using frequency charts and frequency percentage. The results of the frequency of respondents' gender showed that the highest frequency in this table was related to 207 male respondents (53.90%). The results of the frequency of respondents' age show that 79 respondents are between 30 and 35 years old, 101 respondents are between 36 and 41 years old, 112 respondents are between 42 and 47 years old and 92 are over 48 years old.
The frequency of respondents' degrees showed that 88 respondents had a diploma, 31 had a master's degree, 196 had a bachelor's degree, 61 had a master's degree, and 8 had a doctorate. The results of the frequency of service experience of the respondents showed that most of the respondents have 16 to 20 years of work experience (22.15%). The results of the respondents' frequent job positions showed that 61 respondents were government agents, 77 were employers, and 37 were pensioners, and 107 were social security insured and 102 were employees.
Recognize the normality of variables
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test was used to investigate the claim about the distribution of one-variable data. Table 4 shows that all factors in the sample follow the normal distribution because the significance level is more than 5% and the null hypothesis is not rejected. Therefore, parametric statistical tests can be used to test the hypotheses.
Table 4: Results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for research variables
| Outcome (2Dimensions) | Output (6 pcs) | Process (6 pcs) | Entrance 4Dimension))
| ||
Number of samples | 384 | 384 | 384 | 384 | ||
Most border differences | 119/0 | 119/0 | 069/0 | 075/0 | 540/0 | |
107/0 | 125/0 | 056/0 | 056/0 | 617/0 | ||
120/0- | 090/0- | 095/0- | 085/0- | 095/0- | ||
Z |
| 958/0 | 505/0 | 605/0 | 965/0 | |
Significance level | 668/0 | 572/0 | 714/0 | 820/0 |
Calculate the adequacy of the sample size and check the adequacy and symmetry of the data
In Table 5, the results of the KAMO index and Bartlett test on the existing and identified indicators for the research model variables can be seen.
Table 5. Test results (KMO) and Bartlett
Designing a system model of good governance in the Social Security Organization | Test | Results | |
Sampling adequacy ratio (KMO) | 0.892 | ||
Chi-square | Bartlett spherical test
| 636789.058 | |
Degrees of freedom | 4580 | ||
Significance level | 0.001** |
Based on the results, the index (KMO) is greater than 0.6 and shows values close to one, which indicates the adequacy of the sample size based on the indicators identified for factor analysis. The significance level of 0.001 for Bartlett test also indicated the suitability of the research variable for factor analysis.
Review of research questions
What is the model of good governance in the Social Security Organization and what are its dimensions and characteristics?
The model of good governance in the Social Security Organization along with its dimensions and characteristics is based on the results obtained from the data of Kabafi using the method of foundation data theory and quantitative data with the method of structural equations in the form of Figure 1. Colorful arrows indicate the main connections between dimensions and features. In contrast to the dashed arrows, the relationships that the researcher reveals while examining and understanding the content. For example, in the main model, causal conditions are related only to the main phenomenon, but a more detailed study shows that the same causal conditions can affect the underlying conditions or intervening conditions, or even in the category of concepts between these three concepts of mixing have occurred.
Figure 1. Conceptual model of research based on the results of qualitative and quantitative data
First sub-question:
What are the dimensions of good governance in the Social Security Organization?
According to the findings of qualitative and quantitative data and using the method of data theory and structural equations, the dimensions of good governance in the Social Security Organization in five dimensions: causal factors, contextual factors, intervening factors, strategic factors and consequences was divided. These dimensions along with the number of components are shown in Table 6.
Table 6. Dimensions of good governance in the Social Security Organization
Number of components | Dimensions | Row |
16 | Causal factors | 1 |
4 | Underlying factors | 2 |
3 | Interfering Factors | 3 |
4 | Strategic factors | 4 |
3 | Consequences | 5 |
What are the components of good governance in the Social Security Administration and what is their weight?
A) Components of causal factors in relation to good governance in the Social Security Organization has 16 components as described 1. Financial resources (input) 2. External factors, 3. Human resources and equipment 4. Benefits and expectations of stakeholders 5. Efficiency and resource management 6. Organizational justice 7. Accountability 8. Accountability 9. Fight against corruption 10. Financial resources (output) 11. Transparency 12. Quality of services 13. Rules and regulations 14. Empowerment and efficiency 15. Short-term results 16. Long-term results.
To answer the above question, Friedman test was used, the results of which are shown in the following tables. In this test, based on the weight of the components, it is determined how important each component is.
Friedman test is used to check the uniformity of prioritization (ranking) of a number of dependent variables by individuals (Momeni, 2007). In this section, the following hypotheses are tested.
The results of Friedman test are shown in Tables 7 and 8.
Table 7. Friedman test results (average rankings of causal components in relation to good governance in the Social Security Organization)
Average rating | Component |
52/4 | Organizational Justice |
50/4 | Financial resources (input) |
49/4 | Efficiency and resource management |
45/3 | Responsiveness |
40/3 | Responsibility |
39/3 | Financial resources (output) |
31/3 | Transparency |
29/3 | The quality of service |
25/3 | Terms and Conditions |
22/3 | Empowerment and efficiency |
21/3 | Long-term results |
19/3 | Short-term results |
15/3 | Human resources and equipment |
10/3 | Benefits and expectations of stakeholders |
95/2 | Fight against corruption |
94/2 | External factors |
Table 8. Friedman test results (significant result)
Error rate | Meaningful | Degrees of freedom |
05/0 | 000/0 | 5 | 967/71 |
As can be seen from the above tables, in terms of prioritizing the components of causal factors in relation to good governance in the Social Security Organization will be as follows:
1. Organizational justice 2. Financial resources (input), 3. Efficiency and resource management 4. Accountability 5. Accountability 6. Financial resources (output) 7. Transparency 8. Quality of service 9. Rules and regulations 10. Empowerment and efficiency 11. Long-term results 12. Short-term results 13. Human resources and equipment 14. Benefits and expectations of stakeholders 15. Fight against corruption 16. External factors.
B) Components of underlying factors in relation to good governance in the Social Security Organization with 4 components as described 1. Organizational flexibility 2. Organizational resource capacities 3. Legal support for good governance 4. Effective human resource management. The results of Friedman test are as shown in Table 9.
Table 9. Friedman test results (average rankings of components of underlying factors in relation to good governance in the Social Security Organization)
Average rating | Component |
60/4 | Effective human resource management |
52/4 | Legal protections for good governance |
90/3 | Organizational resource capacities |
80/3 | Organizational flexibility |
Table 10: Friedman test results (significant result)
Meaningful | Degrees of freedom |
| |
05/0 | 000/0 | 5 | 850/22 |
Because the significance is less than the threshold of 0.05, the 0H hypothesis is rejected and the claim that the mean rankings of the variables are the same is not accepted. As can be seen from the above tables, in terms of prioritizing the components of the underlying factors in relation to good governance in the Social Security Organization will be as follows:
1. Effective human resource management 2. Legal protections for good governance 3. Organizational resource capacities 4. Organizational flexibility.
C) Components of intervening factors in relation to good governance in the Social Security Organization with 3 components as described 1. Legal barriers 2. Process barriers in the organization are 3. Management weaknesses. The results of the Friedman test are as follows.
Table 11. Friedman test results (components of intervention factors in relation to good governance in the social security organization)
Average rating | Component |
33/4 | Management weaknesses |
25/4 | Process barriers in the organization |
98/3 | Legal barriers |
Table 12. Friedman test results (significant result)
Error rate | Meaningful | Degrees of freedom |
05/0 | 000/0 | 5 | 460/20 |
Because the significance is less than the threshold of 0.05, the 0H hypothesis is rejected and the claim that the mean rankings of the variables are the same is not accepted. As can be seen from the above tables, in terms of prioritizing the components of the intervening factors in relation to good governance in the Social Security Organization will be as follows:
1. Managerial weaknesses 2. Process barriers in the organization 3. Legal barriers
D) Components of strategic factors in relation to good governance in the Social Security Organization with 4 components as described 1. Development of educational capacities 2. Increasing economic capacities and financing, 3. Strengthening effective relations with civil society 4. Increasing organizational agility. The results of the Friedman test are as follows.
Table 13. Friedman test results (average rankings of the components of strategic factors in relation to good governance in the Social Security Organization)
Average rating | Component |
52/4 | Increase economic capacity and financing |
50/4 | Development of educational capacities |
45/3 | Increase organizational agility |
3/40 | Strengthen effective communication with civil society |
Table 14. Friedman test results (significant result)
Error rate | Meaningful | Degrees of freedom |
05/0 | 000/0 | 5 | 720/21 |
Because the significance is less than the threshold of 0.05, the 0H hypothesis is rejected and the claim that the mean rankings of the variables are the same is not accepted. As can be seen from the above tables, in terms of prioritizing the components of strategic factors in relation to good governance in the Social Security Organization will be as follows:
1. Increasing economic capacity and financing 2. Developing educational capacities 3. Increasing organizational agility 4. Strengthening effective communication with civil society.
E) Components of consequences in relation to good governance in the Social Security Organization with 3 components as described 1. Legal barriers 2. Process barriers in the organization are 3. Management weaknesses. The results of the Friedman test are as follows.
Table 15. Friedman test results (components of outcomes related to good governance in the social security organization)
Average rating | Component |
30/4 | Performance improvements |
29/4 | Development of participation |
91/3 | Sustainable Development |
Table 16. Friedman test results (significant result)
Error rate | Meaningful | Degrees of freedom |
05/0 | 000/0 | 5 | 350/19 |
Because the significance is less than the threshold of 0.05, the 0H hypothesis is rejected and the claim that the mean rankings of the variables are the same is not accepted. As can be seen from the tables above, in terms of prioritizing the components of outcomes in relation to good governance in the Social Security Administration, they will be as follows:
1. Improve performance 2. Develop partnership 3. Sustainable development.
Third sub-question:
What are the characteristics of good governance in the Social Security Organization?
According to the findings of qualitative data obtained from interviews with experts and the theoretical framework of the research, the characteristics of good governance in the Social Security Organization are shown in Table 17 along with their mean and standard deviation.
Table 17. Characteristics of good governance in the Social Security Organization
Standard deviation | Average | Characteristics of good governance in the Social Security Organization |
00/1 | 70/3 | Premiums paid by employers |
00/1 | 71/3 | Income from the organization's investments |
97/0 | 72/3 | Freelance jobs and health insurance premiums |
99/0 | 72/3 | Government assistance and commitments |
99/0 | 72/3 | Revenue from damages and fines |
98/0 | 76/3 | Economic factors such as inflation, economic progress - recession - inflation or economic sanctions |
98/0 | 67/3 | Social factors such as demographic change |
00/1 | 70/3 | Political factors such as government interference - laws and regulations |
00/1 | 71/3 | Political factors such as government interference - laws and regulations |
41/1 | 16/3 | Establishment of personnel system and presence of comprehensive and connected absence in the whole organization |
43/1 | 13/3 | Talented manpower and ready equipment |
50/1 | 94/2 | Information technology and equipment up-to-date in providing services and pursuing claims |
36/1 | 29/3 | Merit and meritocracy |
44/1 | 14/3 | Providing services and capital, along with creativity and innovation |
36/1 | 19/3 | Pension, survival and disability pension applications |
42/1 | 18/3 | Effective management and optimal use to achieve goals using organizational resources |
40/1 | 18/3 | Strengthen the system of innovation and creativity |
41/1 | 16/3 | Using all material and human resources to achieve goals with better efficiency and effectiveness |
43/1 | 13/3 | Human resource capacity development and competencies |
50/1 | 94/2 | Hiring people with relevant education and good knowledge and skills that lead to meritocracy in the organization |
00/1 | 97/3 | Use information technology to achieve the goals of the organization |
04/1 | 92/3 | Optimal use of resources (manpower and equipment) |
05/1 | 91/3 | Promoting values and showing good governance |
97/0 | 99/3 | Creativity and innovation and continuous increase of knowledge and skills of employees and managers |
99/0 | 95/3 | Attracting and retaining specialized personnel |
97/0 | 97/3 | Use all human capacities and capabilities |
02/1 | 94/3 | Existence of free information system |
97/0 | 98/3 | Transparency in providing information |
00/1 | 95/3 | Integrity and rule of law |
02/1 | 93/3 | Fairness and equality in the promotion of forces and selection and meritocracy |
04/1 | 69/3 | The role of managers and employees directly or indirectly in decisions |
00/1 | 97/3 | Have equal opportunities Both colleagues and stakeholders and clients should have equal opportunities |
02/1 | 92/3 | Selection and appointment based on justice, creation and establishment of a just system |
05/1 | 91/3 | Establish a fair system for encouragement and punishment |
97/0 | 99/3 | Observe justice for all stakeholders, ie all be able to access the power structure |
99/0 | 95/3 | Ensuring the public interest and management's commitment to organizational justice, |
97/0 | 97/3 | Existence of accountability system in all organizational levels |
02/1 | 94/3 | Responding to audience complaints and criticisms |
97/0 | 98/3 | Accompanying responsibility and power |
00/1 | 95/3 | Definition of duties and responsibility for doing everything |
02/1 | 93/3 | Supervision of the original owners, ie stakeholders |
98/0 | 92/3 | Responsibility means that things are done at the same time and must be answered to the client or even to colleagues at a specific time |
96/0 | 90/3 | Responsibility for obligations means fulfilling the responsibilities assigned to them on time |
99/0 | 89/3 | Definition of duties and responsibility for doing things that the person responsible for doing something must be accountable for it. |
98/0 | 72/3 | Creating appropriate processes for interaction between managers, employees and stakeholders |
97/0 | 91/3 | Adherence to values and ethical principles |
98/0 | 92/3 | Institutions and decision-making processes to provide services to their stakeholders in a specific time frame |
96/0 | 90/3 | Responsibility for the environment around the organization from a social and environmental point of view |
99/0 | 89/3 | Respect for the rights of domestic and foreign stakeholders |
96/0 | 90/3 | Doing things according to the defined process at the appointed time |
94/0 | 97/3 | Fight corruption using their responsibilities |
95/0 | 97/3 | Exercise control and evaluation and provide feedback to employees |
95/0 | 97/3 | The fight against corruption, bribery and collusion must be ongoing in the organization |
94/0 | 94/3 | Creating a system of self-control in people by strengthening professional conscience |
97/0 | 96/3 | Using the capacities of the trade unions of the associations and the partners of the organization |
89/0 | 97/3 | Encourage and punish them for doing their job, |
85/0 | 99/3 | Transparency of laws, regulations and procedures |
88/0 | 97/3 | Accurate and effective use of incentive and punishment system |
88/0 | 97/3 | Strengthening the moral and doctrinal foundations |
89/0 | 97/3 | One of the characteristics of transparency is the existence of two-way communication between the organization and stakeholders |
85/0 | 99/3 | Management should be transparent |
88/0 | 97/3 | Managers and employees can be more empowered in this machine and can lead to staff training |
41/1 | 16/3 | Transparency of laws and regulations |
43/1 | 13/3 | It is transparency that all issues should be completely transparent |
50/1 | 94/2 | Free flow of information and easy access for all stakeholders and people |
36/1 44/1 | 29/3 14/3 | All payments in a centralized manner and pension repair in accordance with real inflation and stakeholder information of payment details |
36/1 | 19/3 | Real tariffs and updates in the payment of short-term obligations (cost of prostheses and orthoses, etc.) |
42/1 | 18/3 | Issuance of invoices for payment of employers' insurance premiums through the electronic system |
40/1 | 18/3 | Simultaneous connection to the network of the Civil Registration Office and performing administrative steps and payment of marriage, burial and burial allowances electronically |
89/0 | 97/3 | Facilitate the payment of medical expenses in the indirect treatment method |
85/0 | 99/3 | Extensive and two-way communication and information between the organization and stakeholders |
88/0 | 97/3 | Providing services in absentia with the desired quality for the realization of social justice |
41/1 | 16/3 | Optimal use of electronic services in order to use medical services |
43/1 | 13/3 | Systematize the files of the insured and the pensioners and eliminate the paper files |
89/0 | 97/3 | Providing good quality services to all in order to achieve social justice |
85/0 | 99/3 | Use of new trainings and use of new technologies and equipment |
88/0 | 97/3 | Outsourcing services or optimal use of cyberspace platform to facilitate service delivery |
41/1 | 16/3 | Development of competencies and succession breeding using information technology and equipment updates |
43/1 | 13/3 | Use of electronic services in carrying out inspections and making claims |
89/0 | 97/3 | Rule of Law |
85/0 | 99/3 | Everyone has equal opportunities |
50/1 | 94/2 | Consolidation and transparency of directives and accurate |
00/1 | 97/3 | Interact with legislative authorities in preserving the organization's capital |
04/1 | 92/3 | Optimal use of human and material resources |
05/1 | 91/3 | Strengthen the system of creativity and innovation and continuously increase the knowledge and skills of employees and managers |
97/0 | 99/3 | Interact with legislative authorities in preserving the organization's capital |
99/0 | 95/3 | Optimal use of human and material resources |
50/1 | 94/2 | Optimal use of human and material resources |
00/1 | 97/3 | Strengthen the system of creativity and innovation and continuously increase the knowledge and skills of employees and managers |
04/1 | 92/3 | Efficiency and effectiveness and having a systemic attitude |
05/1 | 91/3 | Establish a fair system of selection and appointment |
97/0 | 99/3 | Fight corruption, bribery and collusion continuously in the organization |
99/0 | 95/3 | Existence of free flow of information and easy accessibility for all stakeholders |
50/1 | 94/2 | Involvement of all stakeholders in decisions directly or indirectly |
96/0 | 90/3 | Accountability of employees and managers |
99/0 | 89/3 | Provide better quality services in all units |
98/0 | 72/3 | Customer satisfaction and customer respect |
97/0 | 91/3 | Involvement of employees and managers in decisions |
96/0 | 90/3 | Observe justice in hiring and promotion |
99/0 | 89/3 | Rule of law in the organization |
98/0 | 72/3 | Prevent corruption and collusion |
97/0 | 91/3 | Respect the rights of all stakeholders |
96/0 | 90/3 | Nurture creative and committed employees and managers |
36/1 | 29/3 | Attract new sources of investment and income |
44/1 | 14/3 | Promotion of social capital of the organization |
36/1 | 19/3 | Increase awareness, trust and satisfaction of stakeholders |
42/1 | 18/3 | Recruitment and maintenance of specialized personnel |
40/1 | 18/3 | Employee participation |
41/1 | 16/3 | The spirit of participation and responsibility |
43/1 | 13/3 | Nurture creative and innovative staff |
50/1 | 94/2 | Being law-abiding, being committed, being loyal |
00/1 | 97/3 | Being disciplined is aware of the system and the environment |
04/1 | 92/3 | Constructive spirit with colleagues |
05/1 | 91/3 | Constructive interaction with colleagues, clients, employees and customer orientation |
97/0 | 99/3 | Nurture innovative, innovative, law-abiding, loyal, committed, committed employees |
99/0 | 95/3 | Employee accountability |
97/0 | 97/3 | The rule of law |
02/1 | 94/3 | Commitment and self-control |
97/0 | 98/3 | Increase awareness, trust and satisfaction of stakeholders |
00/1 | 95/3 | Constructive interaction with colleagues and clients |
02/1 | 93/3 | Confidence in employees |
04/1 | 69/3 | Holding a test to identify future managers to establish meritocracy and honor the client |
00/1 | 97/3 | Elimination of paper files in the future Establishment of a comprehensive personnel system and online attendance |
36/1 | 29/3 | Corruption Prevent |
44/1 | 14/3 | Sustainable productivity and attracting new sources of investment and income and nurturing committed and capable employees and managers |
36/1 | 19/3 | Prevent corruption when good governance |
42/1 | 18/3 | Providing more quality and desirable services |
02/1 | 93/3 | Increase awareness, trust and satisfaction of stakeholders |
04/1 | 69/3 | Creating win-win interaction with the government and other agencies and participatory decision-making |
00/1 | 97/3 | Quality service and stable productivity |
36/1 | 29/3 | Merit in selection and promotion |
In this study, the central codes related to the model of good governance in social security in the categories of causal factors, underlying factors, intervening factors, strategies, consequences, have been identified. The following is a detailed description of the coding results.
1- The results of qualitative and quantitative analysis of data collected through open and axial coding and structural equations showed that indicators such as organizational justice of financial resources (input), efficiency and resource management and accountability, in the category of important factors Ali are in the model of good governance in social security. Explaining this result, it can be said that today the Social Security Organization is facing problems that sometimes it can not control all of them independently. Issues such as organizational justice, financial resources, efficiency and resource management, customer accountability. Also, in order to implement Hub's rule in social security, political, economic, social, cultural, etc. developments cannot be ignored. These results with research findings: Araei et al., (2017); Alvani and Alizadeh Thani (2007); Pahlavanzadeh (2009); Sedaryamanti et al. (2020), coordinated and approved.
2. The results of qualitative and quantitative analysis of data collected through open and axial coding and structural equations showed that indicators such as effective human resource management. Legal protections for good governance. Organizational resource capacities Organizational flexibility. In the category of important categories are the underlying factors in the model of good governance in social security. Explaining this result, it can be said that one of the problems that many large organizations such as the Social Security Organization face in implementing new management models such as good governance is the traditional organizational structure that is not able to adapt to environmental changes. It is also one of the important and fundamental bases in the implementation of good support in social security of internal capacities. On the other hand, the implementation of HUB governance in social security requires legal support. In this regard, the guarantees of law enforcement must be organized in such a way that any fraud and corruption in the organization is identified and dealt with severely. The obtained results have had the same results in comparison with the research findings of Rajabi Farjad and Azb Daftar (2019), Akbari et al., (2021), Gilbert (2003), Chang and Gradation (2004).
3.The results of qualitative and quantitative analysis of data collected through open and axial coding and structural equations showed that indicators such as managerial weaknesses. Process barriers in the organization. Legal barriers. In the category of important categories of interfering factors in the model of good governance in social security are located. Explaining this result, it can be said that these factors are not only in implementing the model of good governance in social security, but also in implementing any policy and decision-making in any organization is one of the most fundamental challenges facing managers. Organizational processes play an important role in the implementation of good governance in social security. Organizational processes refer to the set of activities and communications within the organization that are defined during the hours of Kair activities in the organization. The obtained results have had the same results in comparison with the research findings of Sadeghian Qaraghieh et al., (2020), Derakhshan and Pilevari (2015), and Haitham Ali Hejazi (2021).
The results of qualitative and quantitative analysis of data collected through open and axial coding and structural equations showed that indicators such as increasing economic capacity and financing, developing educational capacity, increasing organizational agility, strengthening effective communication with civil society . In the category of important categories are strategic factors in the model of good governance in social security. In explaining this result, it can be said that education and educational systems have a significant impact on the training of human resources and also managers in order to implement good governance in social security. Findings compared with the research findings of Tehrani et al., (2014), Sahabi et al., (2013), Yousef et al., (2015), Rinderman et al. (2015) had the same results.
Research Limitations
The present study also had some limitations such as 1- Existence of administrative bureaucracy 2- Dispersion of the subjects' workplace in terms of distance and geography 3- Different perceptions of the subjects in answering the questions 4- Facing the outbreak of Quidd virus-19 during the research.
Also, the following suggestions from the research results are applicable.
- The Social Security Organization should make more efforts to make its organizational structure more flexible. In this regard, creating an informal atmosphere while observing the formality, unity of procedure, low hierarchy of a flexible structure, and the formation of administrative offices in the organization are effective.
- Through technology upgrades, the use of virtual networks to accelerate communication, financial support, skilled manpower, knowledge management, legal framework, financial transparency, the capacity of social security organizational resources can be increased.
Also, legal protections for good governance through executive guarantee of laws, enactment and amendment of special laws and regulations for good governance, elimination of legal investment materials, income generation and elimination of ambiguities and multiple legal definitions in governance are hobbies and work.
Human resource management is very important in the Social Security Organization, which can be somewhat effective by holding a policy of communication and dealing with human resources, having a specialized steering committee, and centralization in the organization.
- Another solution that is very important is to increase economic capacity and financing in social security. This is possible through the definition of financing projects, attracting financial sponsors. On the other hand, the Social Security Organization should establish more effective relations with civil society. Effective use of the media, elimination of discrimination in society, reflection of the demands of the people, can improve the relationship between the Social Security Organization and civil society.
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