List of Articles licorice Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - Effects of silicon on glycine-betaine, phytochelatin, and antioxidant enzymes in licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) under aluminum stress Mojtaba Yazdani Shekoofeh Enteshari Sara Saadatmand Saeid Habibollahi 10.30495/ijpp.2021.1929710.1324 20.1001.1.21558221.2021. Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Biological synthesis of nanoparticles using Aloe vera, Chamomile, and Licorice extracts Mojtaba Pourrezvani Mahdi Changizi Shahab Khaghani Masoud Gomarian Davood Ghanbari 10.30495/ijpp.2021.685349 20.1001.1.21558221.2021.