Nomenclature Review of the Rock Units in the StratigraphicLexicon of Yemen
Subject Areas : MineralogyHamed A. El-Nakhal 1 , Abdulwahab S. Alaug 2 *
1 - Emeritus Prof. of Geololy, Gaza Strip, Palestine, P. O. Box 358, Gaza
2 - Department of Geology, Taiz University (6803), Yemen
Keywords: Lexicon, Yemen, Nomenclature Review, Rock Units, Stratigraphic,
Abstract :
The nomenclature. development of the Phanerozoic rock units mentioned in the stratigraphic lexicon of Yemen is revised. Forms violating the nomenclature rules are corrected in accordance with the nternational rules of the stratigraphic nomenclature. The concerned forms are categorized as: informally introduced, dropped, named or re-named units, all of these categories are discussed in detail.