Study of micro-textures and chemistry of feldspar minerals of East Sarbisheh volcanic complex (Eastern Iran), for evidence of magma chamber process
Subject Areas : MineralogyMahboobeh Jamshidibadr 1 * , Sahar Tarabi 2 , Kazem Qolizadeh 3
1 - Geology Department, Payame Noor University, 19395-4697 Tehran, Iran
2 - Young Researchers and Elites club, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Iran minerals processing research center (IMPRC), Karaj, Iran
Keywords: micro-textures, Sarbisheh Volcanic Complex, Magma, Lut-Sistan Zone, Plagioclase,
Abstract :
The Eocene-Oligocene Sarbisheh volcanic complex is a part of the Lut-Sistan Zone that outcrops in eastern Iran. In the east of this complex, three groups of volcanic rocks (i.e., andesite, dacite, and rhyolite) exist. Plagioclase as the main mineral of these rocks is found with varying micro-textures. Based on a changing trend in the concentration of anorthite, the developed micro-textures (coarse/fine-sieve, fine-scale oscillatory zoning, and resorption surfaces) are not affected by the chemical composition of the magma. Rather, such changes can occur by temperature variations during magma crystallization or H2O fugacity changes in the magmatic system. The recharge of basic magma leads to a temperature rise, partial melting of the central part of the crystal, and formation of sieve texture, and resorption surfaces. Consequently, the chemical changes of magma in the chamber cause the formation of An-enrichment in the outer layer of the plagioclase crystal and formation of oscillatory zoning. In addition, the morphological micro-textures (i.e., glomerocryst, synneusis, swallow-tailed, microlite, and broken crystals) are developed by the influence of dynamic behavior of the crystallizing magma and magmatic differentiation. The thermobarometry evaluation using pyroxene and biotite chemistry showed that the temperature ranges between 700 and 1150°C and the pressure were less than 2 kbar.
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