Role of the Third Place in Recognition of Environmental Perception Theories
Subject Areas : Urban Planning
Mohammadreza Mohammadi Vosough
Toktam Hanaee
1 - M.A. student of urban planning, Department of Urbanism, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
2 - Assistant professor, Department of Urbanism, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
Keywords: environmental perception, Man & Environment Interaction, Third place, Behavior of people, Environmental Psychology,
Abstract :
Since the third places are very effective in relieving the anxiety and tension of the citizens and the studies conducted in the past, consider this component as a multifaceted component that different results are mentioned in the articles depending on the time and different places, in this article using A comprehensive questionnaire of artificial intelligence has been used. We are looking to find key variables in these main components of this research, which are the perception of persons, third place, and environmental perception. In this case, we can achieve maximum use of third places to improve urban spaces according to key variables. This research, which aims to improve the quality of urban hangouts to increase the quality of urban space on urban perception, originated from a basic question which is to identify and prioritize the factors effective in improving the quality of the third place in urban perception, in this research artificial intelligence information by setting up a questionnaire The detailed influencing variables of the third rank of environmental perception have been collected. The purpose of this research is to investigate and identify the role of the third place in environmental perception, and since the research method is qualitative, it has been analyzed using research onion and MAXQDA software. In the end, by showing a map of the relationships between the influential variables of this research, it is stated which includes: the sense of belonging, individual perception, experience and habit, and environmental perception.
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