An Analysis of the Influencing Factors on Dwelling System of the Fishing Community on the Bank of Karnaphuli, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Subject Areas : ArchitectureSarah Binte Haque 1 * , Tandra Das 2
1 - BSc, Chittagong University of Engineering & amp; Technology, Chittagong, Bangladesh
2 - MSc, Chittagong University of Engineering & amp; Technology, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Keywords: Livelihood, Fishing community, dwelling system, Culture, socio-economic condition,
Abstract :
The settlement pattern and dwelling sys tem reflect the socio-economic condition and culturalbehaviour of the community people. The riverine fishing community is one of the ancient and special communitiesof Bangladesh that has a unique lifes tyle and some special features characterize their dwellings. This paper aimsat explaining the exis ting dwelling sys tem of one of the eighth oldes t fishing village of Chittagong with relevantproblems and identifying the factors that affect the dwelling sys tem of that fishing community. Both qualitative andquantitative analyses are used here and the data were collected from the community people through PRA methodsand ques tionnaire surveys. A number of problems and some special features of the exis ting dwelling s tructures inthe s tudy area are identified in this research. A relation between the socio- economic condition of the people andtheir dwellings is also es tablished here by explaining the influence of various factors on their dwelling. Finally, somerecommendations are mentioned for improving their dwellings without adversely affecting their livelihood, cultureand tradition.
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