Spatial Transformation of Apartment-Type Housing Buildings (Case S tudy: Gaziantep, Turkey)
Subject Areas : Architecture
Yurdagul Gurucu
M. Serhat Yenice
1 - Ph.D., Associate Professor, Hasan Kalyoncu University, Turkey.
2 - M.Sc. Ins tructor, Hasan Kalyoncu University, Turkey.
Keywords: Housing, Gaziantep, Morphology, Spatial Analysis,
Abstract :
The aims of this s tudy is to analyse the planning and design process, basic principles and thechange-transformation process of the apartment type residential buildings in Turkey, Gaziantep city based onhis torical background. The scope of the research consis ts of residential buildings built in the city of Gaziantep, whichwere built in the pos t-Republican period. In addition, s tate-building maps, zoning-city plans and plan disclosurereports, photographs and other materials are among the other materials. In this research, a method based on thespatial usage of the apartment buildings cons tructed in Gaziantep and the changes in the housing plan schemesand the spatial usage of these buildings and the changes in the housing plan schemes were followed. These changesare evaluated from the analysis of a series of variables ranging from parcel level to plan schemes, access graphs tospatial size and ratios. As a result of the s tudy, it was seen that the access graph and space sizes of the apartment-typeresidential buildings in the city of Gaziantep, which dates back to the 1960s, have changed. However, differencesand variations are observed in the firs t plan typologies and it is noteworthy that this diversity is reduced and similarplan schemes are widely used.
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