• Ikoyo-Eweto.Omogho Adoption Prospects and Challenges of Rice-Cum-Fish Farming Technology in the Low-Land Plains of Southern Nigeria [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Spring Year 2020]
  • Ikyereve.Felix Analysis of Risks in Financing Agriculture a Case of Agricultural Cooperatives in Benue State, Nigeria [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Spring Year 2020]
  • Iornenge.Mtimbir Assessment of Adoption of Improved Fish Pond Management Technologies Among Fish Growers in Benue State, Nigeria [ Vol.10, Issue 3 - Summer Year 2020]
  • Isinika.Aida Absconding of Honeybee Colonies from Beehives: Underlying Factors and its Financial Implications for Beekeepers in Tanzania [ Vol.10, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 2020]