Abstract :
The purpose of the study was to examine compliance of extension personnel in Imo state agricultural extension service delivery system of Nigeria. A purposive and multi-stage random sampling was used to select 105 extension personnel from the three agricultural zones of the state. Data generated were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages, as well as mean score and correlation analysis. Results showed that the extension personnel in the state had a favourable and clear perception of relevance of ICTs for extension service delivery but only used radios, televisions, mobile phones and short message service (SMS) frequently. Generally, they were not able to use computer-based ICTs to perform extension tasks. Results showed that level of education, work experience and income had positive relationship at 5% level of significance with the number of ICTs the extension personnel had access to. ICT training should be built into the regular or periodic training programmes of extension personnel to make them ICTs compliant for improved agricultural productivity and to keep abreast of the current global trend.
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