Abstract :
Farmers need up to date information on efficient use and management of labour for agricultural production. Yet, they lack adequate and needed information. Hence, this study was undertaken to explore the sources and use of labour information by farmers in southwestern Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select respondents for the study. Primary data were collected to elicit information from the farmers on sources and use of labour related information and data were analysed using descriptive statistics. Extension agents, input dealers, NGOs, produce marketers, private organization, radio, television, posers, acquaintances, farmers’ association/cooperative and advisory leaflets were sources of information used by farmers. However, finding showed that acquaintance was the common source of labour information used by 53.8 percent food crop farmers and 44.8 percent tree crop farmers. They obtained information on labour management, availability, types and use from the above listed information sources. Very few use extension agents as source of labour information in Oyo state and 42.5 percent tree crop farmers indicated that they had no contact with the extension agents. There is need to enhance farmers’ access to needed information on labour related matters and extension services should be improved to impact more technical knowledge to farmers.
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