Abstract :
This study was carried out to evaluate the Ekiti State Social Security Scheme (ESSSS) in Nigeria. Specifically, the study estimated the food security status of the beneficiaries and non beneficiaries of the scheme, assessed the effect of the social security scheme on households’ food security status, and identified the constraints to the implementation of the scheme in the state. A three stage random sampling technique was employed to select 200 respondents for the study using a well structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, Head Count Ratio (HCR), Food Insecurity Gap (FIG) and Squared Food Insecurity Gap (SFIG) indices, T- test analysis, 5– point Likert type scale and the logistic regression model were the major analytical tools employed for the study. The result of the analysis showed that income from cash transfer make up about 45% of the total income of the benefiting households. Whereas about 39% of the sampled benefiting households were food insecure, the proportion of the non-beneficiaries that were food insecure was as much as 60%. The result of the logistic regression model revealed that access to the social security scheme, gender, marital status and total monthly income of the household were statistically significant and in explaining the food security status of the household. Corruption and political interference were identified as the most important constraints to the programme in the study area. The study recommends that the government should try as much as possible to increase the number of old people benefiting from the programme. [Babatunde, R. O et al. Ekiti State Social Security Scheme (ESSSS) and its Effect on Food Security in Ekiti State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology in Extension and Education Systems, 2013; 3(1):45-52]
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