Effects of Farmers’ Perceptions of the National Farmers’ Day Awards Scheme on Farm Productivity in Ghana
Subject Areas :
Agricultural Extension
Fadilah Mohammed
Lambon Joseph
Thomas Ayaaba
1 - Department of Agricultural Innovation Communication, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences,
University for Development Studies, Ghana
2 - Department of Agricultural Innovation Communication, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences,
University for Development Studies, Ghana
3 - Department of Agricultural Innovation Communication, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Sciences,
University for Development Studies, Ghana
Received: 2023-03-29
Accepted : 2023-06-30
Published : 2023-06-01
Farmers perceptions,
Selection Criteria,
Farmers Day Awards,
Abstract :
The study examined the effects of farmers’ perceptions of the national Farmers’ Day awards scheme on farm productivity in the Tolon District of the Northern Region of Ghana. A descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. A total of 270 farmers were used for the study using a multi-stage sampling technique. The study revealed that there is a significant difference in farmers’ general perceptions, selection criteria and the effect of the national Farmers’ Day awards programme on farm productivity based on farmers’ demographic characteristics. The findings have also demonstrated the effects of the perceptions of the farmers on the national Farmers’ Day awards programme on farm productivity in the Northern Region of Ghana. It is recommended that the award scheme should be fair in selecting farmers for the awards, irrespective of their farm sizes. Government should ensure that agricultural extension agents are made available to facilitate and observe the majority of the farmers whose farms are not reached for selection. The award scheme should review the selection criteria to include all the socio-cultural narratives (i.e., gender issues, land ownership, etc.) of the farmers in order to make the awards programme inclusive.
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