Safety in Agricultural Extension and Development in Cross River State
Subject Areas :
Agricultural Extension
Ofem Etim
Kennedy Obu
Matilda Obhiokhenan
1 - Safety Awareness and Environmental Support Initiative
2 - Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology University of Calabar Nigeria
3 - Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Wildlife Resources Management, University of Calabar Nigeria
Received: 2021-12-30
Accepted : 2022-09-23
Published : 2022-09-01
Agricultural extension,
extension and development,
Abstract :
This paper examined safety in agricultural extension and development in Cross River State, Nigeria. It reviewed literature on unsafe behavior in agricultural extension and development, assess unsafe environment in agricultural extension and development, examine the common hazards in agriculture, review the importance of safety in agricultural development and assess safety constraints in agricultural extension and development. The paper observed that; improper clothing, emergency preparedness, field operations, and livestock handling were some of the aspects where farmer’s activities needed more safety attention in the study area. Also the paper noted that certain activities and conditions influence safety in agricultural extension and development in Cross River State such as; poor handling of animals, Confined Spaces, Heights, Machinery, Noise Pollution, Vehicles, Water, and Weather. Common hazards reviewed were dangers originating from agricultural machinery such as tractor, implement or tools, hazardous chemicals, toxic or allergenic agents, carcinogenic substances, transmissible animal diseases, ergonomic hazards, and extreme temperatures while safety constraints in agricultural extension included macro-contextual factors and institutional contextual factors. The study recommended that the level of hazards emanating from agricultural operations be determined and evaluated, while also ensuring the implementation of zero hazardous practices in the Nigerian agriculture. The study conclude that safety is crucial for agricultural development, as accident and hazards are the products of negligence and avoidance of the extra effort or cost of carrying out farm activities.
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