Economic Effect of Social Media on Small Scale Poultry Farmers, Evidence from Nigeria
Subject Areas :
Extension and Economic
Abraham Falola
Ridwan Mukaila
Abisola Kudabo
1 - Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
2 - Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
3 - Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Received: 2021-07-06
Accepted : 2021-08-23
Published : 2021-09-01
social media,
poultry business,
ICT usage,
Abstract :
Social media has transformed communication and interaction of people globally, thereby impacting businesses positively. Its usage and effects on poultry farming have gained little or no attention. Thus, this study assessed the level, purpose and constraints in usage, including the effect of social media on poultry farmers profitability. Data collected from 150 poultry farmers were analysed using descriptive statistics, gross margin and multiple regression. The results revealed that 90.7% of the farmers used social media in poultry management frequently. Farmers used social media to sell their products, acquire skills, obtain information on pest and disease control, and input supply. Meanwhile, the farmers faced some challenges such as poor and high cost of internet service, and poor power supply in using social media. The poultry farmers had a gross margin of N101,875.13 ($247.60) with a profitability index of 0.96 and an operating ratio of 0.51. The use of social media increased the profitability of poultry farming business. Farming experience, education, access to credit and cost of feeds and drugs also influenced the profitability of poultry business. Thus, the government has a key role to play in regulating and reducing the internet tariff plan charged by the network providers to enhance the use of ICTs in agriculture which will, in turn, enhanced profitability.
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