Production Characteristics of Cocoyam Farmers in Enugu State
Subject Areas :
Agricultural Extension
Kelvin Eze
Remigius Ozioko
David Okoronkwo
Martha Mamah
Cynthia Nwobodo
1 - Department of Agricultural Education, Federal College of Education, Eha-Amufu
2 - Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
3 - Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
4 - Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
5 - Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Received: 2022-08-10
Accepted : 2023-12-20
Published : 2022-12-01
Abstract :
The work assessed the production characteristics of cocoyam farmers in Enugu State, Nigeria. Questionnaire was used to elicit relevant information from a sample of 80 randomly selected respondents. Frequency, percentage and mean were used for analysis. The mean household size was 6 with the mean farming experience of 24.0 years. 47.5% had mean farm size of 2.3 hectares with average annual income of N30543.8. Production practices utilized by cocoyam farmers are use of organic fertilizer (X=2.74) and use of manual labour in land preparation (X= 2.99). The information sources of farmers are friends (X=2.26), neighbour (X=2.46), co-farmers (X=2.46). Information needs of farmers were sourcing of farm inputs (X=3.88), sourcing of improved farm tools (X= 2.84) among others. Production constraints were incidences of pests and diseases (X=3.68), lack of extension contact (X=2.98) among others while ways of improving production are use of disease resistant varieties (X=2.95), formation of farmers` cooperative societies (X=2.44), among others. The study recommended among others that research institutes, federal and state government should in partnership, develop weed, pest and disease resistant cocoyam varieties, subsidized farm inputs, and provide extension services to cocoyam farmers.
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