Comparative Analysis of Profitability of Cassava Production among Agricultural Development Programme (Adp) and Non-Adp Contact Cassava Farmers in Abia State, Nigeria
Subject Areas :
Agricultural Extension
Kelechi Charles Osondu
1 - Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Abia State University, Umuahia Campus, PMB 7010, Umuahia, Abia state, Nigeria.
Received: 2016-12-12
Accepted : 2017-05-12
Published : 2017-06-01
Cassava Production,
Key words: Agricultural Development Programme,
Abstract :
This study was conducted in Abia state, Nigeria with specific objectives to: describe socio economic characteristics of ADP and non-ADP contact farmers; estimate profitability level of the two farmer groups; compare profitability of cassava production among the two farmer groups; determine factors that influence profitability of ADP and non-ADP contact cassava farmers and identify problems constraining the cassava farmers. Multistage sampling technique was used to select respondents. Data collected using structured questionnaire and interview schedule were analysed using descriptive statistics, cost and returns analysis, paired t-test and ordinary least square regression technique. The paired-t-test result showed that ADP contact cassava farmers had a statistically significant higher net return (N93, 638.6) per hectare of cassava production than non-ADP contact farmers (N65, 715.58). Factors that influenced profitability of cassava production among ADP contact farmers were age, variable costs, education and selling price while factors that influenced profitability of cassava production among non-ADP contact farmers were age, farming experience and selling price. Main constraint to cassava production among the ADP and non-ADP cassava farmers was inadequate access to credit. It was recommended that the scope of Agricultural Development Programme (ADP) in the state should be enlarged to accommodate more cassava farmers as evidence showed that ADP impacted positively on profitability of cassava production. To this end, additional skilled manpower should be employed and encouraged to visit more farmers on regular basis to teach them modern agricultural technologies.
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