Creating significant learning experiences to use with curriculum elements
Alireza Araghieh
Associate professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Islamshahr, Iran
Keywords: Creating, Curriculum elements, Significant learning, Experiences,
Abstract :
Curriculum refers to an interactive system of instruction and learning with specific goals, contents, strategies, measurement, and resources. The desired outcome of curriculum is successful transfer and/or development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. This issue from one point of view demonstrates the important of “quality of education”. In this article, Creating significant learning experiences with use curriculum elements for increasing the quality of education has been explored. Based on the findings : Educate students for life, not just in a discipline-specific major. Do more to engage and empower your students. Embed diversity into your classes. Be the mentor you wish you had. Be more grateful. Teachers should consciously demon state himself / herself as the symbol of creativity and a sources of information while he is performing his professional duties so that the seeds of the qualities of an excellent individual will grow in them. Also, they should consciously and wisely encourage the emergence of these peculiarities in the students and support and praise them