List of Articles Fuzzy Goal Programming Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 1 - A Fuzzy Goal-Programming Model for Optimization of Sustainable Supply Chain by Focusing on the Environmental and Economic Costs and Revenue: A Case Study Mohammad Reza Zamanian Ehsan Sadeh Zeinolabedin Amini Sabegh Reza Ehtesham Rasi 10.22034/amfa.2019.578990.1134 Open Access Article Abstract Page Full-Text 2 - Fuzzy Goal Programming Model to Rolling Performance Based Budgeting by Productivity Approach (Case Study: Gas Refiner-ies in Iran) Nouraldin Kalantari Rahmatollah Mohammadi Pour Masoud Seidi Ardashir Shiri Masoud Azizkhani 10.22034/amfa.2018.544952