The Survey Relationship between Growth Opportunities, Corpo-rate Risk and Changes in Cash Holdings
Subject Areas : Financial MathematicsZahra Amirhosseini 1 * , Mahtab Nameni 2
1 - Department of management,Shar-e-QodsBranch,Islamic Azad University
2 - Department of management,Shar-e-QodsBranch,Islamic Azad University
Keywords: Growth opportunities, Changes in the firms, Cash holdings, The company's risk,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between growth opportunities, risks, and relative changes in the Company's cash assets. This study is a literature study and analysis was based on an analysis of panel data. In this study, a financial data of 112 companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange during the period 2009 to 2014 have been reviewed. The results in relation to the first hypothesis of the present study suggest that between growth opportunities and significant relationship of changes in cash holdings is straight forward. Also according to the analysis done in relation to the second hypothesis, we determined that between now and the risk of changes in cash holdings is an inverse relationship.
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