Effect of Corporate Governance on Banking Failure
Subject Areas : Financial Econometrics
Azam Ahmadyan
Mehdi Ghasemi Ali Abadi
1 - Faculty in Banking Department, Monetary and Banking Research Institute, Tehran, Iran
2 - Risk Manager, Implementation and Fighting Money Laundering in Parsian Bank, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Logestic model, Banking Failure,
Abstract :
We analyse the roles of bank Directors’ Effectiveness, Transparency and the Dis-closure, Responsibility and total corporate governance indicator in bank failures during 2006-2019, using Logistic model and Kaplan-Meier method. This study completes other studies to make composite banking failure indicator. Good corpo-rate governance indicator was made. That it is one if corporate governance indica-tors for each bank are more than mean of sample and otherwise, it is zero. Forth we estimate the survival model according corporate governance indicators. Our results suggest that failures are strongly influenced by Corporate governance indicators. High Directors’ Effectiveness, Responsibility and total corporate governance indicator decrease failure risk significantly. In contrast Transparency and the Disclosure increase failure risk. These findings suggest that banks with more transparency are less survival than others. In contrast Responsibility has most effect on survival banks. There are positive relationship between bank size, inflation and banking failure and negative relationship between economic growth and banking failure indicator.
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