On Integral Operator and Argument Estimation of a Novel Subclass of Harmonic Univalent Functions
Subject Areas : Financial Mathematics
Z. Dehdast
Sh. Najafzadeh
M.R. Foroutan
1 - Department of mathematics, payame noor university, p.o.box 19395-3697, tehran, iran
2 - Department of mathematics, payame noor university, p.o.box 19395-3697, tehran, iran
3 - Department of mathematics, payame noor university, p.o.box 19395-3697, tehran, iran
Keywords: extreme point, distortion bounds and convolution, Harmonic function, integral operator,
Abstract :
Abstract. In this paper we define and verify a subclass of harmonic univalent functions involving the argument of complex-value functions of the form f = h + ¯g and investigate some properties of this subclass e.g. necessary and sufficient coefficient bounds, extreme points, distortion bounds and Hadamard product.Abstract. In this paper we define and verify a subclass of harmonic univalent functions involving the argument of complex-value functions of the form f = h + ¯g and investigate some properties of this subclass e.g. necessary and sufficient coefficient bounds, extreme points, distortion bounds and Hadamard product.Abstract. In this paper we define and verify a subclass of harmonic univalent functions involving the argument of complex-value functions of the form f = h + ¯g and investigate some properties of this subclass e.g. necessary and sufficient coefficient bounds, extreme points, distortion bounds and Hadamard product.
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