Study and Research on the Six-Year Process of Bitcoin Price and Return
Subject Areas : Statistical Methods in Financial Management
Mehrzad Alijani
Bahman Banimahd
Mehdi Madanchi
1 - Department of Finance, College of Management and Economics, International Finance, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor in Accounting, Head of Accounting Department, Islamic Azad University- Karaj Branch, Iran
3 - Assistance Professor, Faculty of
e- learning, Islamic Azad
Keywords: Bitcoin, Trend information, Statistical test,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study, is create a challenge and discussion concerning the existence of information about the Bitcoin price and return, which suggests the relationship of information and the strong performance it. The information trends are available at different time periods and the summary data related to the statistical descriptions for the price and return index are also discussed. In this paper we show a significant correlation between the price trend and return in the Bitcoin that has been confirmed by various statistical methodology. Using statistical tests and reviewing trends and relationships between the variables, planning can be done to invest in it and its performance or inefficiency can be tested. The results of this research shows a significant and positive relationship between the price and return of Bitcoin.
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